by Debi Vinnedge | Sep 1, 2008 | International, News
Wird mit den Stammzellen auch die Meinung der Lebensrechtler reprogrammiert? von Debi Vinnedge Im November 2007 beschrieben Shinya Yamanaka und James Thomson in ihren Studien eine neue Stammzelltechnik. Mit dieser können durch einfache Reprogrammierung von adulten...
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 28, 2008 | International, News
Neue Biotechnologie-Firma plant Markteinführung von ethisch unbedenklichen alternativen Impfstoffen (Seattle). 29. Februar 2008 Als Sieg für Pro-Life-Gruppen in aller Welt kann die heutige Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung des Unternehmens AVM Biotechology LLC...
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 1, 2008 | International, News
Die neuen Methoden der Stammzellreprogrammierung sind nicht „Pro-Life“-gemäß von Debra L. Vinnedge Im November 2007 haben Dr. Shinya Yamanaka und Dr. James Thomson in zwei separaten wissenschaftlichen Studien die moralische Debatte über die embryonale...
by Debi Vinnedge | Jan 1, 2008 | International, News
Weshalb wird die Reprogrammierung von adulten Zellen so euphorisch begrüsst? von Theresa A. Deisher, Ave Maria Biotechnology Company, Direktorin für Forschung und Entwicklung Pro-Life-Gruppen haben die jüngst berichtete Reprogrammierung von adulten Hautzellen...
Thank you for keeping us informed on all the poison they want to push on people and for trying to…
I expect Pope Francis and a number of bishops to come out with a statement saying that Catholics can in…
NO MORE VACCINES FOR US… no matter who make them or who pushes them.
Hi Lincoln, I’m curious what you meant in your above comment by “all the 3 letter B”? I assumed Bioengineered…
Hello, Thank you for your ministry. It provides needed answers to important questions. I pray God blesses you and COG.…
Thank you so much for the information on this vaccine! When will they stop!! Will pass the information on to…
No way I'll take this..I shall this article onto my friend here in Australia
Hi Larry! I know this is a few years old by now but I was reading through these comments and…
Thank you for the information! Pointing out the CI lower and upper bound prompted me to take a second look…
I do have your 2020 List of food products with senomyx and the list stated all refridgerated coffee creamers by…
They have been doing it. FYI
Excellent question, Eva. The flu shots are not re-developed every year and do not go through pre-clinical testing. The only…
From the article “Influenza Shots for 2024-2025 Season, it states “Like last year, none of the approved influenza shots, are…
The chart displays all of the currently approved influenza shots. Not all are trivalent. The viral composition for this year…
My understanding was that all 2024-2025 flu shots are trivalent, but the above chart still shows some quadrivalent.