One of the biggest misunderstandings in the vaccine debate is that those who conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are somehow anti-vaccination. That is furthest from the truth. The media especially, have a difficult time understanding, let alone explaining, why we rightfully object to abortion tainted vaccines. We want to protect our families, and our decision to abstain until alternatives become available has NEVER come lightly. We are continually faced with this moral dilemma and unless we continue to fight for ethical alternatives, we will constantly be facing this torment of conscience. I ask, “Where is our Choice?”
I ‘d like to introduce you to Dr Michal Pruski. An accomplished young Bioethicist with over 30 published articles in both ethics and Neurosciences and is currently pursuing the Higher Specialist Scientist Training program at the Cedar Health Technology Research Centre in Wales.
He has written an article that sums it up…
Those that conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are
NOT Anti-vaccination and that we have a right to that choice.
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.