The following item is the topic of our current weekly newsletter. This is a very encouraging development, as passage in Texas will have nationwide effects. Please take the time to make you support heard, whether you live in Texas or not. Call, email or send personal letters and notes to your Texas State Senator and Texas State Representative or Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s office. We can do this!
Senator Bob Hall (Texas Senate District 2) introduced a bill for the current legislative session that will require conspicuous labeling of all consumer products and medications that either contain or are the product of research that used aborted fetal tissue or fetal cell lines. This is an outstanding development and, if this bill becomes law, it will have national effects like California Prop. 65 did over thirty-five years ago. If this bill becomes law, manufacturers will make the only rational choice and comply with the labeling requirements for everything they sell across the country. We have contacted Senator Hall’s office and let him know we are at his disposal for informational and testimonial support as the legislative process unfolds.
Needless to say, this bill is worthy of the pro-life community’s total support. It has not yet been assigned to committee, but that is no reason for concern (yet) as this year’s legislative session is barely two weeks into the calendar.
There are more than a few in our community that reside in Texas, and we are asking you to contact your State Senator and State Representative soon (and often!), and voice enthusiastic support for this bill. If you are not a Texas resident, you can make your voice be heard as well. Lt. Governor Dan Patrick presides over the Texas Senate and we ask that you contact his office and let his staff know that this bill has national implications that you support wholeheartedly. Lastly, I imagine Senator Hall would appreciate a ‘Thank you!’ from the pro-life community.
What follows are some links that will help direct Texas residents find contact information for their senators and representatives, and a link to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s web page for non-residents to use.
LET’S MAKE SOME NOISE, FOLKS! We can make this happen!
Who Represents Me? ( – For Texas residents
Home – Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick ( – For non-residents
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.