And there are monsters we imagine. Those we conjure up often drive us to distraction, and that is neither good nor productive.
The Senomyx issue has become more and more visible in recent months, and it has overflowed the banks. I feel compelled to comment on what I believe to be potential sources of this growing concern and the extension of these concerns to areas that amount to a waste of emotional and practical energy.
Let’s begin with a brief discussion of the utility of cell lines in research and testing. Primary cell cultures and cell lines allow for direct observation of chemical reactions at the cellular level. Human cells are extraordinary and remarkable little factories, each a part of a brilliantly orchestrated system that regulates our integrated function as a living being. They are truly marvelous examples of God’s handiwork, each capable of metabolizing nutrients, providing their own energy, producing a wide variety and number of molecules and replicating themselves, thus producing subsequent generations and keeping us alive in the process.
The production of many different kinds of molecules is the principal reason for the use of cell lines and primary cultures in research, development and testing. Cell lines and primary cultures are necessary in the development of vaccines because viruses are not capable of self-replication – they need a host cell in order to reproduce. Beyond vaccines, cell lines and primary cultures are used to observe and measure a cell’s production of molecules (proteins, in this case) in response to a stimulus. That stimulus is the compound/drug being developed and tested. Antibodies are an example of the proteins looked for and measured.
Cell lines and primary cultures are also used to measure cytotoxicity – the level at which the substance under development becomes toxic to the cell and cell function begins to fall apart.
Why cover the basics? Well, much of the recent dialogue surrounding the use of cell lines strays a long way from the utility of cell lines in research and development processes. Some of this is undoubtedly due to unsubstantiated portrayals of Senomyx flavor enhancers by some organizations and the still-perpetuated myth that many OTC and legacy prescription drugs were developed and tested using aborted fetal cell lines. It is not my intent to sit in judgment of the motivations, but facts are facts, and facts are much more useful and lead to more productive discussions than allegations presented as truth.
The current state with respect to Senomyx has been described elsewhere on this site, along with the difficulties associated with finding reliable and authoritative information on the actual use of their flavor enhancers, so I will not unpack that here. I will affirm that we will not make unsupported allegations in any way, no more than we will accept excuses or assurances that are contradicted by the scientific literature (Novavax, for example), nor will we present speculation as truth. When we in the pro-life community allow ourselves to be whipped into a frenzy by claims that all PepsiCo products are abortion tainted, that aborted fetal cell lines are actually ingredients in foods and beverages and that fresh produce and meats are somehow ‘tested’ in aborted fetal cell lines, we make it easier for some to marginalize the pro-life movement in general. Why? Because those things are NOT TRUE. It goes without saying that an argument supported by falsehoods, even just a few, is easily compromised and unconvincing. A couple of examples follow.
Aquafina brand bottled water has been mentioned by many as one of the PepsiCo products that is tested in aborted fetal cell lines. There is no evidence that I’ve been able to find that gives this credibility. Why? Do ‘they’ hide it? The real reason is that no one does it because it doesn’t make any sense. ‘Testing’ water in cell lines adds no value in quality control, where purity is the name of the game, and there is no observable biological function to be ‘tested’ in this case. Please refer to the fourth paragraph, above, that describes the general utility of cell lines. Exactly what would one be measuring by ‘testing’ water with fetal cell lines? As previously mentioned, the purity of the substance being tested would not be revealed by the use of aborted fetal cell lines. There are many ways to assess the purity of bottled water efficiently and with precision, and cell line assays do not appear on that list. Is PepsiCo examining how the product is metabolized? It’s water. Two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atom. How the body uses water is settled hash and there is not a single manufacturer of bottled water that feels compelled to re-answer that question with every single production run. In fact, there is nothing to ‘test’, so why would a for-profit corporation go to the trouble of tasking well-paid lab technicians and staff scientists with the dilution of an expensive biologic (that’s the only thing adding water to a cell line biologic will do), measure nothing and then pour it all down the drain? Bottled water IS NOT tested in fetal cell lines. Period.
Now for meats and produce. The same general reasoning applies. What would one test in the little protein factories of human cells? More settled hash – the human body metabolizes food for its use. That is, in part, what sustains life. This is not something that requires testing and doing so is akin to jumping off of the roof every morning to ‘test’ the force of gravity, just to make sure it hasn’t changed overnight.
The intent of this post is not to criticize, rather to reorient our collective thinking and behaviors. Whether we call it looking for monsters in the closet, monsters that we imagine, or tilting at windmills, what’s true is that the time and energy are not allocated productively. There are real monsters that we can see. The exploitation of aborted children in research has grown dramatically over the last several decades and it will take our best efforts to change that, even in the post-Roe v. Wade world. If we allow ourselves to be distracted, we diminish our effectiveness and actually aid those willing to perpetuate the ghastly exploitation of the killed unborn.
I appreciate your research and clarification. It’s hard to know what to believe these days. Do you have an updated list of all food/beverage/products that use aborted fetal cells?
Thank you. This is why I subscribe to Children of God for Life. I know I will get the truth here.
Brittney, the difficulties associated with such a list are detailed in this post. It is exceedingly difficult to determine exactly who is using tainted flavor enhancers and in what products.
Thank you, Ruth. We do our best to play it square.
Thanks for updating and my appreciation and prayer for COG to continue striving against inhumane technology
Confirmatory testing has been verified as a part of the production process and senomyx was verified long ago with Pepsi and Kraft. It is no distraction to indicate the truth about the evil use of aborted baby biological matter. Then there are the 70 cell lines Trump authorized from Israel ( embryos created & destroyed for research). Personhood: This is why the pro-life movement as a whole is having such a difficult time ending abortion,” urges Riley. “Because we compromise. Because we allow exceptions; whether that be in abortion law or in trafficking the body parts of abortion’s victims. We pull the rug out from under our own feet, undermine our own principles, and dismiss the value God places on each and every life He creates. Talk about harming our own ability to effectively witness and share the Gospel!”
This comment is a prime example of what I was writing about.
Guy, are you able to cite any reliable references in support of what you claim?
Let’s start with testing, confirmatory or otherwise. I can tell you right now that it would not be a production testing process for either Senomyx or a food/beverage manufacturer. Quality Assurance testing and Quality Control testing are two very different things.
Take a look at this, and this. This will give you an amply documented view of the history. PepsiCo DID enter into an agreement with Senomyx but they did not use any of the flavor enhancement products that were developed in fetal cell lines. Kraft never entered into an agreement with Senomyx. Debi Vinnedge – our founder – blazed this trail and was singularly responsible for changing the outcomes. Every step of the way was documented, too. That’s the way it’s done.
It is crystal clear that you are not fond of Donald Trump. That does not allow you to make unfounded allegations. Please cite your sources for the 70 cell lines from Israel that Trump authorized for research purposes. Since it involves the exercise of foreign policy and the importation of sensitive human biological material, there should be abundant documentation explaining the whole thing. I looked around for about an hour and couldn’t find anything on it, though.
Lastly, I agree with Personhood Alliance’s release. A fine essay and full of good points, especially what was written about compromise. What should NEVER be compromised is the TRUTH. Unless something is proven or observed to be so, it is not yet TRUE. Pounding the table with self-righteous BS doesn’t make something true, either. It looks even worse when facts say otherwise.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” – Exodus 20:16. This applies even when you’re not that fond of a particular neighbor.
Hi, May God always bless us during these last days. Going undercover maybe using Project Veritas. Like they did with planned parenthood and the clot shot. I typed into Microsoft Bing “who is Senomyx” and to the right scrolling down there is a statement that says this. Because very small amounts of the additive are used (reportedly less than one part per million) Senomyx has NO OBLIGATION to report their ingredients to the consumer.
Revelations 18:23. Looks like Senomyx has been merged This would be great for Project Veritas to blow the whistle.
Yes, Senomyx was acquired by Firmenich in 2018. Firmenich is privately held and they stopped releasing customer and partner information almost immediately after the acquisition.
In my opinion and practice, my family only partakes in organic or all natural foods…this will limit man-made chemicals for the most part and are healthier and safer to consume. Not even deer will eat gmo corn in the fields…they know something is wrong. God bless you all!
Does the Osteoporosis Treatment Drug Risedronate contain Aborted cell lines?
Virginia Korneluk
This is the last article I could find on Senomyx.
Reuters: 2018 “Senomyx still has a non-exclusive agreement with Pepsi that runs until 2019, under which Pepsi has access to natural flavor ingredients and sweeteners that were developed during the partnership, according to a news release. Pepsi could not be reached for comment.”
What I think bears noting as I have never read it in any article on this issue is Senomyx/Firmenich’s response to these allegations and accusations against them. Their response speaks volumes which is NOT run into the light so to speak, prove their innocence and scream “slander!”.
Slander, libel and defamation of charecter is a chargeable crime last I checked.
“All U.S. states have civil libel statutes, meaning you can sue those who have spread and published false statements about you.” -
So…instead of coming into the light, proving their innocence and going after these accusations and allegations that are in fact false, their response is to stop releasing customer and partner information.
I’m sorry but that looks awefully shady in my book. Innocence doesn’t react to accusations of criminal activity by quietly running and hiding. My Book says there’s nothing new under the sun.
What I find very telling is Senomyx/Firmenich’s response to these allegations.
If they are innocent why are they not screaming “Slander!”?
Last I checked defamation of character/libel is a crime one can be sued for.
“All U.S. states have civil libel statutes, meaning you can sue those who have spread and published false statements about you.” -
Monsanto has no qualms about raking little farmers over the coals to better the company. I highly doubt Senomyx/Firmenich has any higher virtures.
Meanwhile, innocence’s reaction to false accusations is not to quietly run and hide, rather it’s to proclaim ones innocence and clear ones name.
Yet, Senomyx/Firmenich’s response is to swiftly and quietly stop releasing customer and partner info.
“Innocent until proven guilty” what would a guilty response be to this quoted statement?
Meanwhile Mr. Trasancos,
Legalistically abiding by the letter of the above quote rather than abiding by it’s intent is not a geniune Christian virture, rather it’s a pharisaic mockery of true Christianity and justice, expressed by those who who honor justice with their lips but their hearts are far from it.
Many will come in my name saying I am Christ and will deceive many. Matt. 24:5
Rebekah, Senomyx never tried to hide their use of aborted fetal cell lines. PepsiCo and Kraft responded to consumer outcry and publicly said they would not use the flavor enhancing products. As for civil penalties associated with libel and slander, those remedies absolutely exist and are available to the companies being defamed. Two things to keep in mind – a civil cause of action seeks monetary damages, and pursuing a civil cause of action takes money and resources away from other things. The organizations that make these claims without any proof don’t have two nickels to rub together, so there is nothing to be gained by a publicly held company to have their corporate and external legal teams pursue this kind of remedy. Simply put, a multi-million-dollar judgement that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to obtain is worth precisely nothing if the respondent has no assets. Especially if the respondent’s audience is easily ignored because the allegations made are either provably false or unsubstantiated.
What about their ‘good name’? Well, I’ve made the point several times that accusations without foundation or evidence make it easy to marginalize the source. This is what we have here. If we think our opinions and desires are enough, we will never make a difference.
Thank you for the information in your article and the responses you made in the comments. God bless you.
Debbi, you are most welcome! And thank you for your kind words.
I do have your 2020 List of food products with senomyx and the list stated all refridgerated coffee creamers by Nestle used the product senomyx in testing these creamers. Has this been rectified by Nestle or do they continue to do this? We gave up using the refridgerated creamers by Nestle. I want to do the same for any foods ,beverages , and vaccines using fetal cells to test their products. Can you tell me if the 2020 list COGforlife printed are the most up to date lists offered?