June 24th, 2022. On the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we hear that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the United States Supreme Court. Glory!
“Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous” – Albert Einstein.
I wrote of this possibility a few weeks ago and, now that the decision has been announced, I humbly offer the following thoughts for your consideration:
We should be joyful that the right thing has been done. The justices of the Supreme Court were under a great deal of political pressure after Justice Alito’s draft opinion was leaked. It took no small measure of courage to remain steadfastly focused on the right decision (legally and morally), not bending to the winds of the political storm. Prayers of thanksgiving are in order, that we have people of faith, courage and honor serving us on the Supreme Court.
This decision does NOT make abortion illegal. It properly returns the power to regulate abortion to the states. People will mischaracterize the decision, in large part because they are being pushed to do so by politicians and the media. Let us be factual, honest and properly measured in our conversations.
The pro-life community will come under attack. Let us behave as Christians, resisting the urge to engage in unproductive and unconstructive behaviors and rhetoric. This decision will spark furor, no doubt about it. This upheaval presents an opportunity, in that we can lay the foundation for societal change. Ultimately, this is what will win the day, since legislation and judicial activism are nothing more than the force of government. We must change the hearts and minds of our brothers and sisters that do not agree at this point in time. We can do this with God’s grace and protection, and firm resolve to guide our actions and words with Christian love.
It is always a good thing when the federal behemoth is told to take a seat. Attempting to effect change through the Washington, D.C. legislative and regulatory processes is tougher than pushing rope. The authority to regulate and legislate has been returned to the states that, for the most part, are much more responsive to the Will of the People. Pro-life organizations must change their focus in recognition of this. Let’s get to know our state representative and state senators. Participation in this process at the state level is altogether different than at the federal level. Conversations and letters can actually make a difference – you don’t need a bazillion dollars to throw at professional lobbyists to get heard. Pick up the phone, write letters and emails, get to know your state reps and senators.
Many of you have been praying in front of abortions clinics for years and years, and many more have been there in spirit and prayer. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I believe your dedication to the Truth has ultimately turned the tide. Yet again, we see that prayer works, that God hears us. Our Heavenly Father will bless you abundantly for your resolute spirit, courage and compassion.
Let the work begin. Praise God!
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.