This article was in my news feed this morning. The Associated Press article refers to a study compiled by the Guttmacher Institute, stating that abortions are on the rise relative to 2017 and that an estimated one in five pregnancies were ‘terminated’ (their word) in 2020.
This is a heartbreaking development. In the context of our mission, I would simply ask people to focus on the Practice, not the Product. We need the courage to engage, not withdraw. We need to speak Truth, and not couch our words in fear of offending others.
Prayers for our society, our nation, our collective morality would be a good idea and a great place to start. We must build the political will.
This is why we are obligated to reject all vaccines tainted by aborted fetal cell lines. Including the diabolical COVID, MMR, varicella, Hep-A, and Pentacel vaccine.
“ICAN has discovered that the CDC has cultured at least 22 different human cell lines, including cells derived from various body parts of aborted fetuses and neonates.”
aborted fetal cell technology is inhuman,cannibalism/barbarism,and unethical.All governments must stop it.