Our Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated with information on a recently authorized monoclonal antibody, developed by Eli Lilly. Like so many others, this monoclonal antibody owes its existence to the continued exploitation of aborted children. What follows is the FAQs text and a link to the publication describing the development process associated with Bebtelovimab:
Bebtelovimab – Biologics code is LY-CoV1404. This recently authorized monoclonal antibody relied on a number of adaptations of the HEK-293 cell line throughout the development process. Expi293, HEK-293T, 293T- ACE2 and 293 flpin-TMPRSS2-ACE2 cell lines were used, along with insect cell lines, CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) and several adaptations of Vero-6 non-human primate cells. This publication in ScienceDirect details the use of the various cell lines.
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.