From Sam Dorman at Fox News:
It’s unclear what exactly happened during the abortions that yielded the tissue later used for Pitt’s federally funded study. Moreover, the university maintains all of the abortions complied with state law.
Nonetheless, its statements have inspired skepticism. “One thing is sure,” said Francis’ colleague, AAPLOG CEO Dr. Donna Harrison. “[T]hese babies would not receive a feticide procedure prior to the abortion, because induction abortion after feticide can take hours to days, and the baby’s tissue would be ischemic from the time of demise until delivery … [I]t is likely that these bab[ies] are being delivered by induction abortion, and likely that a substantial portion of these babies are actually alive at the time of organ harvesting.”
David Prentice, vice president and research director of the anti-abortion Charlotte Lozier Institute, told Fox News: “As the saying goes, if you don’t have anything to hide, don’t act like it.”
Prentice holds a doctorate in biochemistry and has over 40 years’ experience as a scientific researcher and professor. The Trump administration appointed Prentice to serve on the Human Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board at the Health and Human Services Department.
“These heavily-redacted documents hide a lot of details, and because one method of abortion listed is ‘labor induction,’ there is the distinct possibility that some of these babies were born alive and then their organs harvested, which would be a horrific abuse of science and human decency,” Prentice said. “There are so many questions raised by this heavily redacted information, and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as NIH, owe clarity and transparency to the American people.”
Stacy Trasancos, who is not a physician but has a doctorate in chemistry and studies these issues while leading the St. Philip Institute, told Fox News: “[J]ust taking Seldin at his word, yes, it sounds like he’s saying the organs are harvested from still-living babies or at least from babies killed just before harvesting.“
In an email to Fox News, Seldin firmly denied fetuses were alive during tissue collection. “These irresponsible accusations are completely false,” he said.
Read the whole article: Doctors say Pitt statements point to possibility organs extracted from live fetuses; school denies charge | Fox News
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.