Repeatedly, I raised the question about the use of HEK-293 fetal cell line in ongoing quality control testing for the mRNA vaccines.* Both Pfizer and Moderna describe the use of this fetal cell line that originated with an aborted child in their in vitro pre-clinical trial testing.
We did not know if this same test would be conducted in an ongoing way during quality control testing in manufacturing. I argued that if the HEK-293 cell line was used for testing in a continuing way, then essentially the mRNA vaccines used the fetal cell line in the production process. Quality control is an inherent part of production, so the answer is important to an ethical assessment.
We are happy to report that Moderna says they do “not use fetal cell lines during the vaccine manufacturing or LOT testing process.” See the letter below, addressed to the Immunization Director, Assistant Section Chief Disease Control in the state of North Dakota.
ModernaMIResponseThe information comes via Dr. Paul Carson, MD, FACP, Professor of Practice at North Dakota State University and Management of Infectious Diseases, Department of Public Health. Dr. Carson and I gave a presentation on vaccines for the St. John Paul II Foundation in March 2020 titled, “Vaccine Ethics: A View through Catholic Social Teaching.” We discussed the issue then.
He is working now with the state health department to provide a fact sheet on the use of the fetal cell lines and decided to pursue this question more formally with both Moderna and Pfizer, who has not yet provided a clear response.
“This does not remove the fact that fetal cell lines were used in some original proof-of-concept experiments in the development of these vaccines, which is still unethical, and problematic,” Dr. Carson points out, but he says, “it is important that we be as accurate as possible on the science, and not add a more proximate element to the use of these cell lines than actually exists.”
Everyone needs accurate information to make decisions. We are thankful that this question is answered and hope it helps you in making an informed decision as we continue to advocate for ethical practices.
*See the original article at National Catholic Register here and a longer summary here on the Children of God for Life website.
They use humanized mice. Please research this. This is how they get away with saying they make don’t directly. But it fuels the abortion industry. I’m very sad you have written this. They use 5 month old babies and harvest the organs while alive
I appreciate the updated information and the clear priority COGFL places on providing accurate information without hype or hyperbole.
Given the extensive use by Moderna of HEK293 in the development process, does the extent of testing have any bearing on the morality of receiving it? How many “uses” of the remains of a murdered child render a vaccine morally unacceptable?
Faithful Catholics cannot have anything to do with these abortion-tainted vaccines, period. So long as we open ourselves to making exceptions the vaccine industry will continue to use murdered babies in their process. We must resist, instruct others, and support the ethical production of vaccines.
Lynn, this is information and it matters to some people trying to make a decision. Unless you have evidence, please do not spread the exaggeration that live babies are used.
No, if one refuses to benefit from abortion and chooses to uphold the dignity and sanctity of human life, none of it is okay. Please see a summary here.
While I agree there doesn’t seem to be any supporting research on a passing glance for 5 month old live dissection abortions anymore, I see several articles for Humanized mice being used for Moderna’s testing. Is it possible that they use humanized mice for quality control? maybe but I think its unlikely as the human cells would be cheaper. These humanized mice are a concerning factor though because they are trying to side step the connection to abortion while retaining the same necessity for the supply.
It’s not exaggerated. They use 5 month old babies in the womb and deliver by C section. They harvest organs and tissue. Mail come from a live baby! This is standard. It’s humanized mice and it’s always used now. Research it
If you have research articles post them. Otherwise this is background noise that distorts the primary issues with conspiracies.
I really would like to see your sources but I’ve learned to be fairly skeptical of statements without actual documents supporting outlandish claims.
I’ve read the article you posted as well as the Twitter link. This is all well and good for confirming that they are using lung tissue to place into mice, but nothing in the article states they are using 5 month old babies(fetal gestation age) Perhaps you can show the source for the baby C-section being used? I’m not seeing it.
I’m confused, I thought it was commonly understood that fetal tissues used in any type of research involving live cells etc. would have to be from “live” tissues. Why is this considered an exaggeration? Why does she have to present evidence about something that has been presented in articles referenced on your own website? Or are you saying she just needs to reference evidence for this particular vaccine? Please explain.
From the Methods section of the nature article she referenced…”LoM were constructed by implanting two pieces (~2–4 mm3) of human fetal lung tissue (Advanced Bioscience Resources) subcutaneously into the back (right and left back or upper and lower back) of 13–18-week-old male and female NOD.”
I don’t see the age of the fetus, or exact source but it does say fetal lung tissue.
Also, I wonder the extent to which some of these details are “hidden” behind terminology understood by researchers but not the general public. It would be good to know.
This all needed to know. Please. Tell the whole truth
It’s not hard to know the truth
This is insane when COG says so it’s self. What is going on?
I think there is a point that is being missed. I agree that abortion is wrong but the evidence of them using C-sections to acquire and dissect a live baby to create a humanized mouse is not shown. Is abortion shown to be being used? sure.
Quote: They use 5 month old babies in the womb and deliver by C section. They harvest organs and tissue. Mail come from a live baby! This is standard.
This is specifically what I’m talking about. No question that they are using abortion to create the humanized mouse. Are they doing this though? This is the sort of evidence proving those kind of statements.
Quote: All abortions were by hysterotomy. Preoperative medications included:
35S-L-methionine was injected into the umbilical
vein of six human fetuses (6.0- to 16.4-cm crown-rump
length) and its incorporation into the free amino acids
and proteins of various tissues was measured after 10
min. During this period, the heart continued to beat
and spontaneous movement was seen. Considerable
35S-methionine was incorporated into free methionine
in liver, brain, and plasma; however, there was no
correlation between the amount of incorporated
35Smethionine and the length of the fetus.
Right. I can’t find about c-section right now. When I do I’ll post it. But. Read the present info. They deliver them alive! What difference does it make delivering alive or c section. I’m floored. It’s gruesome and I can’t believe we are having this discussion. It matters. The vaccines fuel this business via humanized mice. I’m shocked you aren’t doing something to make this known.
Please please understand now is the time to be non bias but vigilant in your research. The fact is terminology alone associated with these vaccines is alarming. Lucifer is used as a root word in one of these non FDA APPROVED SO CALLED VACCINES. MRNA is a messager protein. Sadly this engage in such a manner as to produce an adverse reaction once introduced to the 2nd vaccine or the flu itself. Do your own research. It’s better that way just as a teenager. It’s better to make them work for their first car than to gift it. Every web site given becomes skeptical in your mind.
Lynn – you are not alone in your unwavering opposition to accepting any therapeutic/vaccine where abortion has been involved – I STAND WITH YOU! What is so apparent is the hypocrisy of those who claim to be “against abortion” yet persist in dissecting your evidence to justify their true desire to accept this “vaccine.” Truth is unchanging.
Dee, I actually will not be getting any of the covid vaccines tested on fetal cells or any medications I am aware of that use fetal cells to receive approval. I hold a very high stance against the use of fetal cell products but I refrain from using evidence unless I can actually show the research data as I posted earlier. They have publicly stated live dissections before but its relatively hard to determine how much is still going on. Relying on a media source rather then a research article is unwise for myself. I am not catholic nor do I care what the pope says about the vaccines. I care what God says about murdering babies and regardless of some philosophical argument I am opposed. I just will not use subjective data to prove the evil of it.
How can we best insist that every pharmaceutical company, personal care products, food producers, etc. companies reveal to the public whether any item they make is linked to an aborted baby so we can avoid these products? What is the most effective way to strike at the abortion industry?
, so it took a little bit of research but the new 🦠💉 definitely uses aborted fetal cell lines.
So when you look at the moderna one, they are all using the sars-cov-2 rbd elisa for the main protein, which uses hek293, which is from aborted cell line.
The company that Moderna gets their product from DOES use aborted cell lines. So Moderna can technically say they didn’t use the aborted cell lines and they are not lying.
AstraZeneca and Moderna use the hek293
And Johnson and Johnson use perc6 (also an aborted fetus cell line)
The team that developed the spike protein used in Moderna also developed Hexapro 2. They describe using HEK293 cells during this process. They also go on to reference using it for diagnostic studies. Stacy, do you know if they are using ethically produced tests for detection?
Hello, I am interested in the discussion about about the use of fetal tissue in humanized mice. I cannot locate the passage quoted above “Quote:35S-L-methionine was injected into the umbilical vein of six human fetuses (6.0- to 16.4-cm crown-rump…&etc” in any Google search or any article. Can you please supply the exact reference. Thank you.
Very good info thank u! I still don’t trust Moderna either though. My cousin Pat in New England just died last Wed morning right on St Paddys day got 2nd Moderna covid shot Friday the 12th told me on FB messenger no probs next thing I knew she was in the hospital sun started falling ill on Sat never came out of it . Very sad. :(
Can you please clarify then how this information changes the ethical assessment of the use of these RNA injections, if at all? The original January 7th article said use in ongoing quality control testing was going to be a key factor, and now they claim it is not used in ongoing QC testing. So does that mean the injections are moral now?
They can technically say that they don’t use it because they get the already made product (that did use hek) from another company.
These companies are sneaky! They cannot and should not be trusted.
They are also calling is a vaccine even though it is gene therapy because calling it a vaccine allows them to get the funding, and emergency approval. Plus in the US calling it a vaccine allows them to not be liable if things go wrong, due to the vaccine protection act.
Why would you ever trust Moderna or any of them?! Never and they also put toxins in all vaccines! Terrible!
Thank you for your comments it is helpful as moderna going to be available in UK soon and wondered if it was acceptable.
Development of Mammalian Sulfur Metabolism:
Absence of Cystathionase in Human
Fetal Tissues
bottom of page 541
The article is from 1972 I think, but the cells lines are grown and continually used.
I really need this information, where can I get it? Thank you
Dear Stacy,
Personally, I feel that if the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 was originally developed using aborted fetal cells during testing, even if the future lots are not tested on those aborted cell lines, the damage of using abortion in development and/or testing is already done. They had the choice to make their vaccine completely ethical from the beginning, and did not.
I am choosing to wait for a vaccine that was never developed or tested using aborted fetal stem cells.
I believe that the issue is to require/ beg/ plead that pharmaceutical companies stop the practice of using abortion to produce their products at any point of development or testing.
If abortion is never considered during production or testing, then we have succeeded in turning the industry away from ever considering abortion a legitimate alternative.
What people must understand is, an abortion from the ‘60’s or ‘70’s was a child, whose future was ended, whose children and grandchildren were never born. Entire generations of a family was eliminated by the abortion. So, anyone who calls that abortion “distant” is not thinking things through.
God has no time or space, so a baby is a baby no matter what year, what century, what decade that baby’s life was ended.
Thank you,
Hilary Broyles
Hilary Broyles – outstanding, thoughtful, convicted reply!!! I am saving this when I’m asked for an explanation for why, I, too, am refusing to accept any of these abortion-tainted vaccines! God bless you.
I stand 100% against any and all vaccines derived in ANY way from any aborted fetus.
I WAS EXTREMELY DISTURBED and saddened by my own lack of research before getting the SHINGRIX vaccine several years ago. Through research on the COVID vaccine I learned about the shingles vaccine origin.
Although I did not know, I still have repented of my lack of action to find out…ignorance is not an excuse. Now I know.
Hi. I’ve been keeping up with the valuable information on this website and I’m grateful cogforlife,org is online for the benefit of those who want all vaccines to be abortion free. My question is: yesterday (4/2/21), Dr. Fauci was interviewed on Fox News and when the Astra Zeneca vaccine was brought up, he said that the US already has enough vaccine production from the current 3 companies (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) so he didn’t see the need to bring in the Astra Zeneca one from Europe into our country. Would it mean that if an ethical abortion-free vaccine became available, Americans would still not be able to get it if the federal government doesn’t approve the contract to purchase the ethical vaccine for distribution in the US and therefore we are restricted to the 3 tainted ones currently in use?
Great point!
Stacy, Sorry but I am not happy with your assumption that Lynn is spreading the ‘exaggeration’ that live babies are used. Neither am I happy about your choice of words for the heading on this page, which suggests that you believe without question what the representative from Moderna conveniently states in their letter. If you had included in your heading the words ‘Moderna states that ……….’ rather than publishing it as a proven fact, then you would be leaving it open for readers to make up their own mind. Instead you have acted as a spokeswoman for Moderna, which is unfortunate.
The heading of this post is misleading. It should read:- ‘Moderna states that it does not use foetal cell-lines …’ The existing head-line suggests that COGFL endorses Moderna’s unproven statement, which is disturbing and unlikely.
Martha, it is difficult to predict how politics will affect other candidate vaccines. Is the scenario you present possible? Yes, it is. It is important to remember that worldwide demand is something to be served as well. A very large portion of the world’s population will be served by U.S. production and logistics. Lastly, there is demand for an ethically-derived alternative. To the extent that this demand is made known, it seems reasonable to expect that it will be served.
Moderna replied to a formal inquiry from a state regulatory agency. We’re dealing with pharmaceuticals, one of the most highly-regulated industries in the nation. A company knows that playing fast and loose with the truth in interactions with regulatory agencies places their entire operation at risk. It is extremely unlikely that a pharmaceutical company that has become very valuable will risk everything and respond untruthfully, especially when they made no attempt to hide the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the research and development of their vaccine.
What they WILL do is answer the precise question posed. In this case, the question was well-formulated, answerable with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. Their answer was ‘no’. Pharmaceuticals do not approach their relationships with regulatory agencies in a cavalier way because the risk of ruin is real.
This may be a bitter pill to swallow for some, but taking Moderna’s response at face value is the prudent thing to do. Speculating and casting aspersions absorbs time, energy and effort that is better spent on more productive endeavors.
Hello Stacy, Just enquiring how are moderna now testing their vaccines. Is it possible to test them in an ethical way.? God bless you
‘Pharmaceuticals, we’re dealing with one of the most highly regulated industries in the nation’ – I’m sorry Jose, but pharmaceutical companies might be highly regulated, but that does not stop some of them from highly immoral activity. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation finance several big pharma companies, and have huge influence over related ‘official’ organisations, and you are saying that we must be prudent and accept at face value all that we are told! With respect, I find your comment surprising and even naive. Enormous wealth, insatiable ambition, and the power this combination wields, together with apparently no concern for God, nor humanity, nor God’s Creation, does not inspire me to trust Gates, his ‘team’, and the Companies he controls or influences, which include Pfizer and others. I understand that Dr Fauci, I think a friend of Bill Gates , has a significant financial interest in Moderna, and maybe Gates has too, although I am not sure.
I really think it would be wise to amend the heading to this article, as previously suggested, thank you. Strongly recommended reading – see link below:-
Would be grateful if you could provide a citation for the above comment on the use of live babies in the development? process of the Moderna vaccine.
Hello Stacy, Does this article mean that what you have written in the article, – COVID-19 Vaccine and HEK293: Testing and Production are Ethically Equal, are null and void. A little bit confused would really love to hear your thoughts on this. From the above article are you putting your hands up and saying, ‘I was wrong’, There’s no harm in that. Just would like to know if thats the case. Peace of the risen Lord to you.
Dominic, the articles are not at all contradictory. The central point of the earlier article still stands – the use of aborted fetal cell lines creates a moral fault whether it is in research, development, testing, production or quality control testing. Moral fault is binary and insensitive to placement on the process map.
Moderna’s response to the quality control testing question where they affirm that they are not using aborted fetal cell lines to test in the production environment DOES NOT erase or mitigate the moral fault associated their use of aborted fetal cell lines in research, development and pre-production testing.
Since Moderna has said that they are not using aborted fetal cells in production (QC), this information may be a consideration to someone as they form their conscience. It is a variable that may be important in the totality of someone’s circumstances.
Take no vaccines! The China virus infection has a low mortality. Take vitamin D at least 10,000 every day, etc. Everyone keeps referencing the use of the replicated tissue of an aborted baby from 60 years ago. How is that possible? Such cell lines cannot replicate indefinitely. I highly doubt that the tissue used is from a 60 year old aborted baby! Again, it appears that freshly murdered babies are needed on an ongoing basis. The replication process is accomplished with CANCER-causing agents. I wonder how much of the cancer-causing agents are in the finished product? I also just read the mRNA injections disable the cells’ tumor-fighting capacity.
For all of us that are ‘waiting’ for a vaccine that has no connection to aborted fetal cell lines I fear that this is unlikely at this stage. Both Popes, Benedict and Francis, have taken one of the existing tainted vaccines. The Vatican has stated that Catholics can morally take the vaccine for the charitable protection of others. Had the Catholic Church stood its ground (lead by the example of the Popes as a sacrifice) and recommended that the faithful not take any of the tainted vaccines currently available, this would have created a large pool of non-vaccinated people worldwide and thereby incentivized the manufacture of a fetal cell free alternative. What manufacturer will bother to do that now for the Covid vaccine or any other? Why should they? Even the Catholics are on board.
In fact, there are four vaccines in clinical trials at this time that have no connection to abortion. The Sanofi Pasteur/GSK, BAT/Kentucky BioProcessing, Medicago and Covaxin vaccines are all ethically derived and if the trials currently underway encounter no difficulties, we may have two or three ready for market by the end of the year. This information is available on the Covid-19 Vaccine Info page, linked at the top of this page.
Thankyou for your insight Lynn. I am looking for the most specific data on Moderna and Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccinations and testing using humanized mice, in anticipation of requesting Religious exemption.
Also, Medicago is listed at the Charlotte Lozier Institute as using HEK293 in testing, although I haven’t read the source on that one yet.
Well, my first post got lost! is the info above on Sanofi Pasteur/GSK and Medicago old, or does the Charlotte Lozier Institute have a problem in their list of COVID vaccinees? They say the Sanofi/GSK COVID vaccine candidate used HEK293 for testing. I’ve checked the sources they listed:
They appear to substantiate the claim of using HEK293 to me.
Laura, our information reflects this and it would appear that we have a versioning problem with the COVID-19 vaccine list. Sanofi/GSK did indeed test their vaccine candidate in aborted fetal cell lines.
Medicago has also been tested in aborted fetal cell lines. See here for more information. Our charts are out of sync.