The 2005 guidance from the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL), “Moral Reflections on Vaccines Prepared From Cells Derived From Aborted Human Fetuses,” told us to end the practice of using abortion-tainted vaccines and demand ethical alternatives. These same principles are reaffirmed in the new statement the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has released regarding the new COVID-19 vaccines that are now becoming available.
But, as the COVID-19 pandemic and response has shown, the issue is still very much unsettled, both in the pharmaceutical industry and in the ethical considerations among Catholics. How do we object to an abortion-tainted vaccine if for grave reason we accept the shot?
The Vatican provided guidance that still applies today. The PAL 2005 document explained that Catholics may use, in a narrowly defined limit, vaccines prepared with cell lines derived from aborted children, but with strong admonishments regarding our obligations to protest. As we exercise prudential judgment about our vaccine choices, it is a good time to review our obligations.
Read the full article at National Catholic Register.
Please use and share this infographic on how to object to an abortion-tainted vaccine.
“Ensure that contributions are responsible, factual, respectful and constructive”. Excellent idea…but also this is where the trouble is and why people don’t know more and do more. Why? Because there is basic disagreement over many of the facts. I have read a variety of articles since the COVID Vaccine dilemmas started being discussed and it’s clear to me that the “experts” are not all using the same facts either regarding the vaccines and the science or in the moral evaluations. This leaves many of us in a pretty bad spot because we have to try to figure it all out amongst dueling experts. None of this leads to confidence about contributing to this discussion and that will likely cause people to not speak up to doctors, priests, senators etc. Plus it’s frankly very challenging to remain respectful when you are being regarded as spreading “conspiracy theories”.
1 Thessalonians 5:22
Ephesians 5:11
Proverbs 1:10
Exodus 23:7
The ethical gymnastics suggested by the Vatican (i.e. registering our disapproval of the use of abortion-tainted vaccines while taking those vaccines) will be as effective towards changing public policy or dissuading pharmaceutical companies as waving a stop sign at a speeding freight train. Only when enough people refuse to get vaccinated will Big Pharma and the government listen and attempt to find more ethical alternatives.
The government is in bed with Big Pharma and will not consider alternative remedies as long as the current vaccine can be rammed down the throat of the American public.
I will resist the vaccine as long as possible; I recognize, however, that government intimidation (e.g. refused admittance to airlines, restaurants, stores, etc.) may force me to submit eventually.
God help us.
Thanks for your comment, Art. My stance is close to yours, in that, I will resist as long as possible. If it comes down to pretty much total isolation in my apartment, being denied entry to shops and restaurants, , not sure if I would have the strength to resist a tainted vaccine. The anticipatory anxiety is already playing havoc with my mental health. As you say, God help us.
Yesterday, I sent the following to the principal of the Catholic school I teach in:
I wish to follow that part of paragraph 5 of the 12/21/2020, “Vatican Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines.”
‘Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable.”
I am willing to take a vaccine, but I wish to wait for one that is produced (manufactured and/or tested) without cell lines from aborted fetuses. At this point in the US, I believe the latest evidence indicates no untainted vaccines are approved yet. In this regard Bishop Strickland, from Texas, writes in a letter to his flock:
“I urge you to reject any vaccine that uses the remains of aborted children in research, testing, development, or production. Testify to the truth that abortion must be rejected and make a choice that is consistent with the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death and is rooted in a mature faith and trust in eternal life, not fear of suffering in this life. ”
Further information on which vaccines use cell lines from aborted fetuses in the manufacture or testing can be found at
I am aware of the other parts of “Vatican Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines,” but that Vatican Note does leave room for “reasons of conscience” in paragraph 5, so that is the part I wish to stand on.
Ed Szymkowiak
Dear Stacy,
a very good article that explains the issue very well. I can support it a thousand percent.
Kind regards
Maria Babel
Well-said, and it makes me so happy that there are people who feel this way. Taking the vaccine while “objecting” to it is a contradiction, until someone proves to me that it’s not.
Healthy people are dying and other are getting all sorts of side effect because of these vaccines. I would prefer to be shot, before I take a vaccine that is going to kill me on the spot – happened in Norway in week 2 of 2021, or the horrible side effects – convulsions, shakes, trembling, swollen tongue, bell palsy and all sorts other systems.
I agree with Art Acuna. The Vatican reasoning allowing one to get abortion tainted vaccines “as long as we object to the use of fetal cells” is the same type of weak statement as the USCCB one in Faithful Citizenship telling Catholics they can vote for a pro-abortion candidate as long as they reject that candidate’s abortion position. Hello?? Thankfully we have other stronger voices from some of our clergy. There is so much covid fear being generated and people are letting that fear rule their minds. Covid is a “might happen” disease. You “might” walk by someone who is infected…you “might” get enough of his virus to make you sick…you “might” get seriously sick…you “might” die… Is this “might/maybe” possibility a valid enough reason to use a vaccine containing human DNA cells or tested on same from another aborted person? Seems, we’ve just grown used to abortion. Almost 50 years now…the devil hates human beings and human life and God who created it in His image and likeness. How satan would love to see billions of people walking around with the DNA of aborted other humans in their bodies. What a slap in God’s Face!
While Catholics debate the morality of using an aborted human for medicine, many of us see clearly the immorality of these experimental Covid vaccines being used on humanity while many are being injured and dying without recourse or protection. Read the Vaccine Act and the Prep Act. There are proven alternative treatments like HCQ that will not harm your conscience or God knows what else. Also read the Nuremberg Code: WE DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS EXPERIMENTAL BEAST!
Some recommendations for CoVID 19 list of vaccines and treatments. One please make the list also available on your website in non pdf. form so that people who dont want to or are unable download pdfs can have access to the list of course on the same page have a link to pdf. Please also have on both a chart like what is shown on the video except with what you have.>>>
and a link to your article right under the chart.>>> COVID-19 Vaccine and HEK293: Testing and Production are Ethically Equal
If we had a chart like COGForlife has for regular vaccines it would be easier to print and share
Dear Ruth, we are working on it. Please check back tomorrow.
Based on the COGFL research, what future vaccine will not be in any way connected to aborted cell lines and will not use the mRNA format?
Hi Stacy,
Would you please craft an editable template we can use to send emails to the vaccination manufacturers urging them to produce vaccines that have no connection whatsoever to aborted fetal cells? And would you please post a list of the manufacturers’ emails so that we can send the emails directly to the specific offices that will have the most authority in making these types of research/production changes? Sending emails to their general mailboxes is probably not as effective.
Thank you for your help with this!!
God bless,
Tracy Tully
I second Tracy Tully’s request. I have been looking for an editable letter to send to pharm companies as well as my government representatives.
Thank you for all your great work Stacy!
I am with you, Elizabeth Viegas! If it becomes mandatory and you can’t get into shops or restaurants or grocery stores, I will just self isolate and starve to death. I refuse to take a vaccine. To me, if it gets to that point, that signifies it is the mark of the beast. The Bible talks about not being able to sell or buy. It won’t come in the form of a tattoo of “666”. I believe it will be something that if not taken, we won’t be able to “live.” So it would make sense that if the vaccine becomes that mandatory, that it would be the mark and I won’t take it. Martyr’s death, hello. I pray I will have the strength to carry on with what I just said, but I do believe Jesus and Mary will give me what I need to deal with whatever is to come.
I will continue to resist. Let’s see how far they will take this. It’s already been proven ineffective anyway. People are dying from adverse reactions to a vaccine that has not been properly tested, evaluated which takes years and this one was rushed into months! If enough people refuse, they will back down with this lunacy.
Thank you Art, for getting to the root of the problem! I would even go father, saying that we must ALL SAY NO TO ANY VACCINES, PHARMECEUTICALS THAT ARE NOT ETHICALLY PRODUCED! AT ANY COST! Isn’t that what being a Christian is about? Dying to ourselves for Christ? We must place our trust in the Lord, that he will provide and not worry about flying, eating in restaurants or even going to stores, if that’s what it takes. Trust that the Lord will take care of us! And make sacrifices for the safety of the unborn!
Spot on Art Acuna.
Could you update your COVID shot chart to include a Canadian company, Medicago, that is developing a COVID vaccine that does not use fetal tissue for culturing? Here is an article describing it:
It looks as if (if lockdowns are ever lifted) we will have to give up travel, at least by air, and give up going to restaurants, theatres, cinemas etc., unless ‘they’ decide to test us rather than have us show proof of vaccination. But victory belongs to Christ Jesus. …
Thank you for that, Herry. My brother is immuno compromised and recently informed me unless I am vaccinated I will not be invited to visit he and his wife. Of course, they have every right to make this decision, although the thought of not being able to have a meal or hug my brother has had me feeling pretty hopeless of late.
Good news! John Paul 2 Medical Research Institute has created a Covid vaccine that does NOT use aborted babies tissue. They use adult stem cells from marrow, and stem cells from cord blood of umbilical cords from newborns. The vaccine will be ready by the end of this year, due to rigorous clinical trials. They are asking for donations. I emailed them asking why they haven’t received financial support from the Vatican or the Archbishops, as they just received funds from China. So far, no response.
You can always get an exemption from your doctor for any health reasons, or claim Religious Exemption. This is what wise mothers have done to get their children into public schools. Finally, remember our Lord’s words, “Be as wise as a serpent, and as pure as a dove.”
Thank you very much, Mary Theresa. I knew JPII were working on it, but didn’t know it’d be ready by the end of the year. That’s great news and will share. Praise God. Shame on the Vatican.
My family are on Ivermectin prophylactically. See covid19criticalcare,com for the research and highly respected doctors who have written a meta-analysis on Ivermectin therapy in early treatment when virus replicates and late treatment as an anti-inflammatory. They have testified to congress twice and to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the data has moved the NIH to state that Ivermectin is an acceptable therapeutic. The research also indicates that it is effective against the variants of Sars Cov 2.
Vicki – I think that is great. Ivermectin is effective. It blocks sugar upregulation and eliminating organisms (not us as hosts because we are bigger) who live primarily on sugar. I was grateful for their Congressional testimony in December especially.
After listening to Dr. Kory’s testimony, I prayed and asked the Lord, “Why are we finding treatment success in antimalarials and antihelmenthics* (which are organisms) when this is a virus?” He responded with “Why did mebendazole help your son?” (*meaning hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin)
I have a 25 year old son with autism. Part of what we used to treat him with to reduce body burden inflammation when he was a baby was a common pinworm medication – and after extensive research, I understood why it was helping his body. So – totally get the Ivermectin. It’s good that there are some different choices in treatment because when we see a “panacea” being touted as the treatment for all people…that’s when a red flag should go up for us. Pan means “all” and all of us are made differently.
Hydroxychloroquine can be a concern for people with some genetic conditions. Ivermectin has some adverse reactions to review. All medical treatments should be placed before our Father so that He can guide us and direct us because it is He that has made us and not we ourselves! He knows best what our specific body needs!
Wisdom that comes from above is pure – and He is good and faithful to provide all of us with the direction and guidance we need so that we don’t accidentally eat from the tree of knowledge for ourselves.
Excellent way to put it.
I was reading an article that the vaccine would be encouraged but could not necessarily LEGALLY be mandated until it is licesnsed by the FDA which is further down the road. I am a healthcare worker and have been really concerned my career may be over until an ethical vaccine is developed. Pray the ethical vaccine comes before these current vaccines are licensed. They are now authorized for Emergency Use is what the article said. Also an exorcist Father Chad Rippberger has an excellent presentation how the stain of the aborted child will be on everyone who accepts the vaccine but also has morally justifiable cases where the vaccine may be taken. God help us all to remain faithful.
I agree with you, Lisa Marie, and Elisabeth, 100 % and I don’t have to rewrite all the above of your comments. Just adding one more point, I have been thinking from day 1, I can die from any cause, whatever God has planned for me, I might die from cancer, hit by a car …. It might NOT be covid. But it could also be starvation because I refused these evil vaccines, I too, am praying for strength and perserverence from God 🙏
Thank you Mary Clare 🙏 Well said and from the heart 👏 Even if just 1 person listen to your words and have a change of heart, it is well worth the effort. Thanks ❤️
Why is no one addressing the use of monoclonal antibodies? In Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody drug the HEK293T cell line was used in producing and testing. The same line that was used for AstrZeneca and Moderna covid vaccines. Very few people are aware of this.
Thank you for this info, Jean. Part of my treatment for HER2 breast cancer was monoclonal antibodies (trastuzumab and pertuzumab). I was assured at the time that human fetuses had not been used to humanize the poor Syrian hamster that the cell line came from. But was I assured correctly?
Please do resist, everyone. The ‘vaccines’, apart from being unethically developed and tested, are dangerous. The people who have had them will not have the same natural immunity as we do when the next mutation or variant comes in the autumn. Many of them will die, and also they will be a danger to us. This is well-explained by Dr Yeadon, John Waters in Ireland on Substack, and Dr Vernon Coleman on youtube.
Am getting through some anxiety, at times depression, about the vaccine, all my siblings have gone through it and I feel like an outsider as I’m not at all intending to go through it. I’m a member of Legion of Mary and confused as some of us have already had the vaccine…God help, Blessed Mother & St Joseph, please guide me as to do the right thing and be at peace.
From Diana –
I thank everyone for their encouraging words and comments. To date (for ethical reasons), I have chosen not to accept any of the current Coronavirus vaccines being offered.
As a result, I too have been made to feel like an outcast at work and other social groups.
Yet, I have no problem taking the necessary precautions to protect myself & others.
As one who respects life from conception to natural death, I continue praying to God for His guidance and trusting Him in this matter. It is not always easy to take a moral/ethical stance against a “wrong”, especially when it is being pushed as a “requirement” by the legal/civil authorities. But God teaches us we will encounter these adversities throughout life. It is understanding our Catholic/ Christian/Moral faith that helps guides us through troubled waters.
Whether you have received the coronavirus vaccine out of necessity or abstained from it, we can still advocate for an ethically-produced vaccine through Prolife organizations, our local & state government representatives and pharmaceutical companies. As human beings, we are all God’s children – let us continue to fight for the life of all – from conception to natural death. God bless.
Do you have any references for information about monoclonal antibodies and their testing? I have a friend who just received this treatment. I need to be more aware.
Under no circumstances will I allow my children to be inoculated with any of the COVID-19 experimental so-called “vaccines”. There is no FDA-Approved vaccine that will prevent COVID-19 (see CDC and pharma statements). The range and number of adverse reactions are skyrocketing. Spike proteins travel through the body and large numbers have been traced to female ovaries, kidneys, and spleens. Problems with infertility and huge increases in miscarriages are being reported. Long-term effects are completely unknown. Furthermore, children have virtually no susceptibility to contracting COVID-19.
Under no circumstances will I allow anyone to even attempt to inoculate my children with any of the non-FDA-Approved COVID-19 experimental so-called “vaccines!”
How can you say I will resist…until I am under too much pressure? Scripture is full of people resisting the government while staying true to God (Daniel, the prophets, Christ, the Apostles, etc.). Essentially what you are saying is “I will stay true to God, unless it costs me something.” I still don’t know how people cannot see the hypocrisy in a pope telling his people to take the shot for now but continue to stand up to abortion and the experiments done on aborted fetal cells.
I think the very LEAST I can do is to wait for an ethical vaccine. It sounds like by then we will have herd immunity if we don’t have it now. How many unvaccinated people already had Covid and have antibodies? I could be one of them. My doctors tell me I should take the vaccine because of xyz and dismiss the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxy. I fail every day trying to do God’s will. Not taking these tainted vaccines are the least I can do. Mandatory vaccination is coming…..
Yes I agree with much of what you have said. when they mandate these vaccines that are unnecessary we will have lost democracy and one world order, the globalists will have won. But I will not give in to these insane positions. I spent several years obtaining a Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Reasoning Skills and I refuse to allow brain dead people to force garbage ideas down my throat. The foundation of Democracy is a free exchange of ideas and an open debate. Ever since the beginning of this Plandemic all I have heard is fear mongering. people are making decisions based on fear and NOT ON SCIENCE OR MORAL PRINCIPLES, the foundation of Western Democracy. I believe too strongly in the words of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus to give over my ability to think to those who only have evil intent.
Mary Theresa, can you direct me toward a resource with more information about the JPII vaccine being ready by the end of this year? I just heard about this vaccine, but when I checked their website just now, it seemed to indicate that it would still be around 2 years away or so. I’d love to hear more if you have any resources that may be more up-to-date than what I was able to find!
I ask that we stop referring to the gene therapies that have been fast-tracked, as vaccines. First, vaccines go through a period of time and multiple safety trials before they are given a green light so to speak. They still present risk and there is a form of liability against the manufacturer. Also, through proper clinical study and peer-review, efficacy of a “vaccine” is proven. This is not the case with any of these gene therapy drugs, let alone the ethical implications that stem from fetal cells from an aborted child or the fact that global government with the assistance of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra, J&J, CDC, FDA, WHO have let many individuals suffer and die due to these awful experimentations. God help anyone who gets a shot and suffers adverse affects. You have no legal recourse! Read the fine print and the “informed consent” they provide people at vax sites.
Please folks, do not read gobbledygook from mainstream posts. Look at their verbiage, it is all the same tap dance. We are in the second Holocaust. Instead of stars on our clothes or “work camps” we have vax cards, vax passports, “no jab no hire” slogans and “green centers” being set up for Americans who do not comply. Elected officials are threatening people’s jobs, taking away their kids, and they are in the heart and minds of a majority of young Americans who are easily sways, angry and hate dissention. I know first hand. I am a teacher who listens to the hate and hyperbole. These kids openly discuss that non-compliant people “should be killed or arrested.” This is not theory or silliness, this is what I fight daily in my classroom (when we are in session).
Get your children out of public school education and “private schools” that follow this communist agenda. Sadly, dependent upon your state, Catholic schools are just as “woke.” Read their hand books, their mission statements, and push back. The future of God depends upon it.
God bless.
I think the term ‘vaccine’ is used because it conveys a more benign connotation; ‘gene therapy’ sounds more radical and experimental (which it is). As with all ‘vaccines’, the government colludes with Big Pharma to eliminate your legal recourse; you’ll have to ‘make-do’ with the few shekels you can collect from the vaccine fund.
It is rumored that, as soon as the FDA approves the ‘vaccine’, vaccine passports will be a fact of life. Who will support us if we refuse? Even the global Church is in bed with these people.
What will be our options? Home school? Work from home forever? Order our groceries on-line forever? Never leave our homes? Be forced to livestream Mass forever?
God Save Us!
I agree 1000% with your comments!!!!
The future of God does not depend on our actions. Our obedience to Him does and we should stand on this issue and not give in. Even if all you know fall, God will reserve a select remnant for His name. Empires rise and fall, God does not.
NYC now mandates its employees to be vaccinated, and by extension any employee of a Catholic agency which works in conjunction with the government.
That’s just Insane. It clearly a violation of the Bill of Rights. If you have a religious conviction you cant be forced to do something. The Supreme Court has already ruled on previously.
Amen, Karen. God bless you for this comment.
they may try to do it while they are at school without you knowing about it.
I believe this is plant-based and is still in the clinical testing stage. I also thought it was very interesting when I went to their site.
Please remember that the “President”” is also “catholic” and he wishes to FORCE everyone to have this “vaccine”.
Medicago has tested their vaccine in aborted fetal cell lines. They did so before entering trials. You can refer to the following for confirmation:
Well claiming to be Catholic and being a Catholic in good standing are two different things. Read Sy. Thomas Aquinas on this issue. Holding positions publically which are against Catholic teaching are grounds for Excommunication. There are many prominent Bishops within the Catholic Church that oppose Bidens position ( Bishop Schiender, Vigano, Strickland, Cardinal Burke, Father Altman) They dont mince words when it comes to Biden, Pelosi Heretical Public Positions. You must always stand against evil. These are Evil positions. You must never be silent when it comes to Evil. Otherwise Evil will grow and spread.
Amen well said ..I think it only fair to excommunicate all who hold and enforce positions against the church ..especially those who support and make abortion happen… I believe if a woman has an abortion she is automatically excommunicated and has to get a dispensation from a bishop to be reinstated shouldn’t the one who puts the milestone around the necks of these women/girls get the same punishment?
I believe with all my heart if everyone that calls themselves Catholic would have boycotted these tainted vaccines they would have worked a bit harder to produce ones that were pure of fetal cells they have no reason to .
Can someone recommend a good source to get either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine? My family dr will not even discuss those meds worse me. Thanks!
Hi Vicki. Thanks for your comment. I am looking for a doctor to prescribe Ivermectin for me as a preventative, my family dr will not discuss this with me. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (here’s a link to their site) is a network of physicians that have developed alternative treatment protocols, many of them including Ivermectin. I believe they have telemedicine options and a referral network. They may be able to help you.
@Christine Anderson
Check out Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. They have inform that can help you.
Identify as trans-vaccinated. Someone who isn’t vaccinated, but identifies as vaccinated. It’s in the science. If you identify as something, no one can tell you you aren’t.
Amen Karen. God will provide for us. It’s time we as Christians got the backbone of Jesus and stand for Him. Every life is precious and we must stand together for the truth and life.
Covaxin from India and Sionpharm from China are two Vaccines that have gone past Phase 3 of testing. As of June 2021. Neither contain and cell lines from aborted human babies. They have also been used by millions of Indians and Chinese. Why aren’t they being used by western Christian nations? How do we get them into the country for approval?
Bill, Covaxin is engaged in clinical trials in the U.S. The answer to your question is political. Many vaccine candidates have cleared clinical trials – they have not yet been authorized or approved for use. Elements of the governing and regulatory environments have a great deal invested in the three authorized and the one approved vaccine (that is not available anywhere), and I wouldn’t expect any changes to that landscape any time soon. The government and regulatory agencies are acting in ways that lead one to conclude that this is no longer about public health and safety. If it ever was, that is.
Hungary uses Sinopharm and in fact is building a factory now to produce Sinopharm. 6 EU nations plus Switzerland accept Sinopharm for entry, the list of countries will likely grow as EU will want reciprocity for tourism/travel with PRC. I have checked with a few clinics in Budapest (like Duna Health) and some are administering it for EU residents for a fee, albeit not for tourists. You’d have to have another reason to go to Hungary (other than tourism) to qualify, for example, dental work. Outside the EU, there is also Serbia, Ukraine, etc. that have Sinopharm. In Mexico, Cancun clinics have Sinopharm (some have an array of 12 vaccines that they offer in total!), although one clinic wrote to me that the governor of their state signed a new law barring tourists from getting Covid-19 vaccines at these private clinics. I don’t know if this applies to other states in Mexico or just QR/Cancun.
Yes, some young doctor got all contemptuous with me that I couldn’t object to the vaccine if I take heart and blood pressure drugs (because because virtually EVERYTHING in the modern pharmacopoeia has been compromised by abortion in SOME way) so I quit taking all of them. I am in God’s hands, his time is my time.
#Reverence4all is a non-denominational Personal Beliefs response to unethical medical mandates
would like to learn more about this vaccine. does cofgfl have more information about these vaccines???
Does anyone know more about the Valneva vaccine being developed in France? The chart on the Charlotte Lozier Institute website shows it was not developed using fetal cells, but there is no info on whether testing was performed on fetal cells. It is in Phase 3 and could be available next year. I have read the science of it is not new and the adjuvant used is made in the US by Dynavax. I am probably being naive about all of it, but am hopeful. Abortion is genocide upon the most innocent of souls, that now many Christians are justifying. I am so thankful to God for all of you and the info you have shared.
Valneva has been ethically developed and tested. It is an inactivated whole virus vaccine (old school), and the trials data to-date has been positive. None of the trials have been in the U.S., however. I wish I could say that I’m hopeful that Valneva or a similar vaccine would likely be authorized in the U.S., but I believe the politics of it have made the chances very slim. Valneva’s recent press releases indicate they will focus on European markets for initial distribution.
Tough choice.. lots of praying, and trust that God will give you the answer
My mother died from the Moderna vac. 2 weeks after taking the 2nd shotmshe was rushed to the hospital (where she was also sexually abused) and never came out.
Check out :-
The John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Coralville, IA , USA. They are presently developing a very promising ethical Coronavirus vaccine alternative worthy of our Catholic support nand that of the whole !Church”!
are rthree major countermeasures against coronavirus that the Institute is leading the research effort or help co-develop:
1) The Institute, in collaboration with Cellular Engineering Technologies, will develop ethical cell lines to replace the HEK293 cells and PER.C6 to assist pharmaceutical companies develop replication-incompetent adenovirus vectors vaccines if industry so chooses.
2) An off-the-shelf antiviral therapy against COVID-19 and future coronaviruses and other viruses.
3) A platform based on our cell technology to create a live attenuated vaccine against COVID-19.
4) A recombinant protein subunit COVID-19 vaccine.
5) Answers to FAQ of the Institute’s COVID-19 Vaccine Research Program
I’m a young healthy teenager. I have a whole life ahead of me. I’m so scared and conflicted. My concern for my well being and my future school and work has been all compromised. I want to be able to make conscious decisions For my myself. I have been raised catholic I’ve been baptized and I don’t want to be pressured into something that I feel that is safe. I need more information. God bless.
John, please contact us at with your questions and we’ll do what we can to assist you.
I sent an e-mail today hopefully you have received it.
“As long as possible”? Either you are willing to “not love your life unto death” or go shopping …the killing of unborn children of God is clearly the breaking of God’s commandments. I pray the Holy Spirit enlightens you to this truth.
Enero 2021 varias personas de mi familia nos infectamos con covid, salimos adelante todos, con Ivermectina y vitamina C, hasta la fecha Junio 2022 no estamos vacunados, y resistiremos sin hacerlo.