Sarah Quale, president of Personhood Alliance Education, notes: “By promoting so-called ‘scientific benefits’ gained from children who were intentionally killed, regardless of when their deaths occurred, we continue to align ourselves with the evil of abortion. This includes harvesting aborted fetal cell lines in the past and in the present, which we know is currently happening for future vaccine production. By ignoring this, we help perpetuate and further legitimize the connection between abortion, biomedical science, and human trafficking.”
The Personhood Alliance warns that any effort to commodify aborted human beings in the design, production, and testing of vaccines will continue indefinitely unless and until Christians demand biomedical science be separated from the killing and trafficking of innocent human beings. “There remains an ethical dilemma here,” says Quale, “whether we want to ignore it for the sake of COVID-19 or not. Currently, there are ethical alternatives available for producing and testing COVID-19 vaccines. Why wouldn’t we use the time we have right now to demand a fully ethical vaccine be brought to market instead?”
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Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.