Many of you have asked about Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine and whether it uses aborted fetal cells or not. The following links contain all the proof anyone needs to show that the aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 was indeed used extensively by Moderna in numerous patents in the fundamental design of mRNA technology and in the original vaccine research, development, production and testing.
Unlike traditional cell-culture vaccines where viruses are cultivated on a cell line, mRNA vaccines do not use cells for that purpose at all and therefore, there are no cells or cell fragments IN the vaccines. Some have said that since there are no aborted fetal cells IN the vaccines, they are morally okay. Nothing could be further from the truth because the aborted fetal cells were most certainly an integral part of Moderna’s vaccine development.
Now some have argued that some of the patents we are citing are not for the actual vaccine, however that is totally inconsequential because the technology was established using aborted fetal cells. And it doesn’t matter that the cells are not used over and over again from a moral perspective either. This is also true of the Spike protein produced using HEK-293 cells as well. Once the protein is built, the cells are not used again. But the protein IS used – and the mRNA IS used and both were built on technology that extensively used aborted fetal cells, rendering the vaccine absolutely immoral from start to finish.
So let’s take a look at the facts. Moderna and the NIH worked jointly on the Covid-19 vaccine as announced in several publications in early 2020. Starting here….
The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases has partnered with Moderna on this vaccine. Scientists at NIAID made the vaccine’s construct, or prototype, and the agency is running the Phase 1 trial.
NIAID is partnering with Moderna on an mRNA vaccine against 2019-nCoV, Fauci said. “We are taking the gene for the spike protein S and inserting it into a mRNA platform to create a vaccine.”
The Spike protein was part of the NIAID joint venture. NIH did the Spike S protein –
“mRNA-1273 is an mRNA vaccine against the novel coronavirus encoding for a prefusion stabilized form of the Spike (S) protein, which was selected by Moderna in collaboration with investigators at the NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC)”
So when you look at NIAID’s work – that article is here:
Importantly, the new data supports NIAID’s approach to a gene-based vaccine for COVID-19 and will also be useful in other vaccine approaches including protein-based vaccines and other nucleic acid or vector-based delivery approaches. NIAID scientists designed the stabilized spike antigen based on previous knowledge obtained from studying other coronavirus spike structures. NIAID and the biotechnology company Moderna, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, are developing a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, which directs the body’s cells to express the spike in its prefusion conformation to elicit an immune response.
And the Materials and Methods show the 293 cells.
And if that is not enough, Moderna’s use of HEK is not new…previous patents in 2015 show its use as well. Use the Find function and type in HEK in the search…it’s listed 76 times.
Also – more here showing how HEK-293 cells are used with the Spike S protein:
And this article – links to the Moderna patent showing the use of the aborted fetal cells in the lipid nanoparticle delivery system – which is how the mRNA is delivered to the vaccine recipient’s cells.
The lipids are also listed as an ingredient of the vaccine:
Now, if you still need convincing that Moderna is using HEK-293 cells, this is straight from their own website:
And from their Publications page, see this link:
Since it deals with lung infection (which Covid-19 causes) it seems like a pretty good reference to what they are doing. The use of 293 cells is cited in several places including in the supplementary information. That is linked here:
The very first paragraph shows the use of 293 cells IN THE CONSTRUCTION. The authors of the study are both Merck and Moderna.
And in July 2020: An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 — Preliminary Report
Which clearly states they are using the Spike protein which some have tried to deny.
Under Vaccine – Quoting:
The mRNA-1273 vaccine candidate, manufactured by Moderna, encodes the S-2P antigen, consisting of the SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein with a transmembrane anchor and an intact S1–S2 cleavage site. S-2P is stabilized in its prefusion conformation by two consecutive proline substitutions at amino acid positions 986 and 987, at the top of the central helix in the S2 subunit.8
And voila – Reference no. 8 at the bottom of the page is none other than:
Wrapp D, Wang N, Corbett KS, et al. Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation. Science 2020;367:1260-1263.
In addition, both the Protocol
and Supplemental Information linked at the bottom of the NEJM article show the use of HEK-293.
Also the article dated August 2020, clearly shows the use of the HEK293 as well for the mRNA-1273 vaccine.
Just a sampling – page 9 of the Nature article:
MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV Protein Expression and Purification
Vectors encoding MERS-CoV S-2P1 and SARS-CoV S-2P23 were generated as previously described with the following small amendments.
Proteins were expressed by transfection of plasmids into Expi293 cells using Expifectamine transfection reagent (ThermoFisher) in suspension at 37 °C for 4-5 days. Transfected cell culture supernatants were collected, buffer exchanged into 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS), and protein was purified using Strep-Tactin resin (IBA). For proteins used for mouse inoculations, tags were cleaved with addition of HRV3C protease (ThermoFisher) (1% wt/wt) overnight at 4 °C. Size exclusion chromatography using Superose 6 Increase column (GE Healthcare) yielded final purified protein.
Design and Production of Recombinant Minifibritin Foldon Protein
The construct was expressed by transient transfection of Expi293 (ThermoFisher) cells in suspension at 37 °C for 5 days. The protein was first purified with a Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) resin (GE Healthcare,) using an elution buffer consisting of 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 400 mM NaCl, and 300 mM imidazole, pH 8.0, followed by purification with StrepTac
Cell Lines
HEK293T/17 (ATCC #CRL-11268), Vero E6 (ATCC), Huh7.5 cells (provided by Deborah R. Taylor, US Food and Drug Administration), and ACE2-expressing 293T cells (provided by Michael Farzan, Scripps
In vitro mRNA Expression
HEK293T cells were transiently transfected with mRNA encoding SARS-CoV-2 WT S or S-2P protein using a TranIT mRNA transfection kit (Mirus). After 24 hr, the cells were harvested and resuspended in FACS buffer (1X PBS, 3% FBS, 0.05% sodium azide). To detect surface protein expression, the cells were stained with 10 µg/mL ACE2-FLAG (Sigma) or 10 µg/mL CR302235 in FACS buffer for 30 min on ice. Thereafter, cells were washed twice in FACS buffer and incubated with FITC anti-FLAG (Sigma) or Alexafluor 647 goat anti-human IgG (Southern Biotech) in FACS buffer for 30 min on ice. Live/Dead aqua fixable stain (Invitrogen) were utilized to assess viability. Data acquisition was performed on a BD LSRII Fortessa instrument (BD Biosciences) and analyzed by FlowJo software v10 (Tree Star, Inc.)
I posted earlier today about a popular conservation 'christian' newspaper crowing to the world that Moderna was releasing a CCP vaccine, and was delighted to read your immediate response to the travesty being committee, in the guise of "public health".
"The authors of the study are both Merck and Moderna"… Since it deals with lung infection (which Covid-19 causes) it seems like a pretty good reference to what they are doing." (SARS triggered by extra-low-frequencies)
(Our lungs are where our wings attach… BREATH OF LIFE)
I was shocked/not-shocked to read in the last paragraph that a "GOAT anti-human buffer" is a part of the HEK293T cell Miolech process to bind the human DNA with the mRNA alien viral material they are crafting in the effort to roll out transhumanism and stop the human genetic bloodline.
As always, your work is flawless. Thank you for the LIGHT you shine into the darkness.
OK, so does this mean that it’s ethical to take the Pfizer vaccine but not the Moderna one?
That would be up to one’s individual conscience. Pfizer was tested on aborted fetal cells. Moderna’s was researched, developed, produced and tested on aborted fetal cells.
More information on the Pfizer vaccine would be helpful. I’m confused about why it is listed as ethical on your Covid chart if it was tested on fetal cells.
Pfizer/BioNTech was morally produced and contains no aborted fetal material. They did testing of the product on the HEK-293 cells but they are not part of the product, unlike the others listed in the red column on our website.
Thank you so much for all that you are doing, this site and the information it contains is a God-send. I am grateful.
Is the Moderna vaccine the one that contains the new technology that alters DNA?
Thanks again, and God bless!
I’m also confused. How can the Pfizer vaccine be “morally produced” if it was tested on aborted fetal cells? Is testing not part of the production process?
There are no aborted fetal cells used in the production of the Pfizer vaccine; they tested the completed product. This is completely unlike Moderna’s vaccine that used aborted fetal cells IN the spike protein production which is part of their vaccine and they have done extensive research, development and testing using aborted fetal cells as well.
No one knows yet whether or not the mRNA that is being used by Moderna may alter the vaccine recipient’s DNA. Long term studies should be done especially since this is brand new technology never used in a vaccine before.
Thank you for the prompt reply to my comment, that’s what I wanted to know – the Moderna vaccine *does* contain the new technology which raises the question that it could *potentially* alter human DNA but it has not been studied to prove whether it does so or not.
I’m having a hard time understanding why it is morally acceptable to test your vaccine on fetal cells.
Its not morally acceptable at all. Moderna’s vaccine was researched, developed, produced and tested using aborted fetal cells.
The Charlote Lozier Institute reports that Moderna used HEK293 only in testing, but development and production is abortion-free. LifeNews reported today that the Moderna vaccine is ethical. Of course the use of HEK293 in testing, means that it is not ethical, and I hope that they will clarify their report.
However, it would appear that one cannot say that the vaccine was “developed” and “produced” using aborted fetal cells. I think it would be wiser if just say that HEK293 was used in the test phase.
The science says otherwise and the facts presented show the truth.
I do wear mask(to avoid the dust(not Covid19) in air which is prevalent in our area) and I chew Black Seeds to avoid most all viruses, simply.
Thank you for this info.!!!! Could you write another article explaining Pfizer’s covid vaccine being tested in human aborted baby cells? Where could I find documentation on that? I am shocked that that happens! I didn’t know. And I’m sure there are many others that don’t know either. Maybe you could create an additional column on the vaccine charts you’ve created that’s entitled, “Finished vaccine tested on…”. Then you could show, with links, which ones test the finished vaccine in human aborted baby cells. That would be very helpful. Thank you for doing all this research!
This is excellent info, now please do the same for pfizer because they also used hek293 in testing, and where is the proof that Pfizer’s spike protein (synthetic, chemical, mRNA) wasn’t transfected using hek293 cells to help with the development of the ‘synthetic’ mRNA. All the articles I have seen say that Moderna and Pfizer use the same technology and are basically the same vaccine.
The information on both Pfizer and Moderna is on our website here: The proof is linked to the science documents showing the data. The two vaccines do use the same technology – but one chose to do it morally (Pfizer) using adult donor cells and the other (Moderna) chose aborted fetal in the construct of their vaccine. However, they both tested their vaccines on aborted fetal cells.
Its listed under BioNTech/Pfizer – page 3 here:
I think it’s easier to prevent disease than to cure! If people paid more attention to their health, it would be much better for everyone. I myself began to pay attention to myself and my health not so long ago, but I began to feel much better after I began to eat right, play sports, walk more often and take CBD – from this, my sleep improved and my nerves became calmer. I’m really happy! For smokers, I can recommend special sticks for vaping, I saw it on sale on Kushly, but since I don’t smoke, I didn’t buy
Can you please engage Trent Horn and Catholic Answers in some fashion on this. They’re advising people that it’s completely acceptable to take at least Modernas vaccine with no caveat of grave cause and discussion with a Holy priest.
I would be hesitant to take any vaccine that has human cell in it. A cow cannot be given a vaccine that has cow cells in it because of the effect on the cow.
There’s so much information here, which is awesome and necessary, yet I am having trouble making sense of it all – I apologize for that as I am new to taking this all in and I thank you in advance for your patience.
I see two important issues here – whether/how aborted fetal cells have been used AND whether *new technology* (that has not been used before and not been adequately studied) has been employed that *may potentially* alter human DNA.
Would you mind clarifying which of the two – Pfizer and/or Moderna – use this new technology? I thought it was only Moderna. This is not the same question in my mind as to the use of aborted fetal cells.
Please let me know if I am missing something, which would not surprise me. :)
Thank you, and God bless!
In the case of Pfizer, the HEK-293 cells were used only in the final testing, whereas Moderna used them in the research, development, testing and production of their spike protein. Pfizer on the other hand, created their protein using K562 cells from an adult female donor. The cells in both vaccines are NOT IN the final product. Both of the vaccines use mRNA technology which has never been used in any vaccines before.
Both Pfizer and Moderna are using the mRNA technology. Pfizer did it morally (other than final testing) and Moderna did it immorally in their research, development, production and testing.
Thank you for showing me where to find the documentation showing that Pfizer uses human aborted baby cells to test their finished vaccine.
Do other vaccines, including vaccines routinely given to children, test their finished vaccine on human aborted baby cells? If they do, which ones? Where can I find documentation on that?
Thank you!
I still can’t understand how Pfizer’s is called moral if they tested the final product on HEK293. They didn’t have to, they could have used other cells. Until we take a firm stand on this they will continue to use these lines whenever it is convenient for them. The vaccine can’t just be a little bit immoral. In my view it’s all or nothing.
That would be impossible to find since testing is not publicly documented once the products are approved and on the market.
Thank you for all the time, effort, and expertise needed to understand and present this important information.
Do you happen to know BioNTec/Pfizer’s rationale for using cells of an aborted child for testing of their (ethically produced vaccine) final product? Is there some sort of practical benefit?
Unfortunately, the use of the HEK cell line for testing is widely done. The only practical benefit is economics.
I’m a little frustrated that CoG made a generalized decision to say that testing has no implication on ethics and would have preferred this little statement came out. Its one thing if there is an ongoing need for fetal cells and down the road further abortions, but it puts it into another category to create it and be able to replicate it without further fetal cells. This doesn’t make it right in my eyes but its much harder to convince someone of the ethics of it when in actuality there is no fetal cells in the vaccine but only genetic information.
Those who object to both would be consistent but by far the minority. Those who object to Moderna better object to Epogen and Procrit as well…
Where in the world did you get the idea that the use of aborted fetal cells in testing has no implication on ethics?? There is no need whatsoever to use aborted fetal cells but there is definitely a difference in the cells being used to create a product – which means profiting from the remains of an unborn child on an ongoing basis – or using those cells one time in the testing. Neither is right but there is definitely a moral difference.
Neither is right. But as long as the vaccine companies are making money from people taking the vaccine they will have no incentive to change their practices. They don’t care about our ethical objections, only our money. Walking away is the only logic they understand.
Thank you for answering my question about how to find out if other vaccines, like the childhood vaccines, are tested on human aborted baby cells. If testing is not publicly documented, how is there documentation on the testing of the Pfizer & Novavax covid vaccines that show they tested their finished vaccines on human aborted baby cells? I’m trying to get all my facts straight so when I tell others I will have answers.
The reason you can see testing is because Pfizer and Moderna are brand new and are not FDA approved yet. Testing is presented in their submissions to FDA as part of that approval process and those documents are easily found and available.
Pfizer created their protein using K562 cells from an adult female donor. Why couldn’t they test the final vaccine on another adult donor cells?
This link might be helpful in finding older vaccines information.
You have to download the very 1st pdf. Inside you will find all kinds of information. It’s a bit tricky though. There’s links to the FDA that you have to click on to get the other half of the story. When I went through it I was able to find several different vaccines and what cell lines were used in the development.
As far as morality goes, I would argue that putting animal cells like monkey, bat, bovine, etc… is somewhat immoral, or the very least, alarming.
If the link doesn’t work just go to the CDC website and type in the search bar “excipients” then download the 1st pdf. Adjuvants is another word that can be searched.
Great work by the way.
@ CoG For Life:
Thank you SO MUCH for all of the time and effort you have put into this and for sharing it so generously with the world. May Our Lord richly bless you for this service.
“Unfortunately, the use of the HEK cell line for testing is widely done. The only practical benefit is economics.”
It seems to me that the ball is now in our court. As this site has shown us there are many vaccine candidates out there and we finally have a choice besides “take it or leave it”.
If enough people REFUSE to take any vaccine that has been produced or tested using immoral means that will eliminate the economic incentive to cut corners and use immoral means. The economic incentives will then shift to using moral means.
No one would buy lamps with lampshades made from human skins of Nazi concentration camp victims even if they were slightly cheaper. Nor would manufacturers be so stupid as to produce them even if it saved them money. It would kill them financially.
If we ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THESE VACCINES MADE BY IMMORAL MEANS they will quit doing so. Why spend $millions on vaccines that will sit on shelves until they go bad?
I understand that Moderna developed and tested using HEK 293 cells. And Pfizer tested with HEK 293.
`My question is, does either company use HEK 293 in the actual manufacturing of the vaccines? Including the manufacture of the S spike protein, if that is part of the production process.
Helen…the HEK-293 cells were used only used in the initial research, development, design, production and testing. Once the vaccine is completed, they do not need to use the aborted fetal cells again – unless they want to modify or retest using them. The major difference between Pfizer and Moderna is that Pfizer only used the HEK-293 cells in final testing and they used adult donor cells in the research, development, design and production of their vaccine. Moderna used them throughout the entire process.
Thank you for all this information! The moderna mRNA covid vaccine used the HEK293 to make the SARS Co V 2 spike protein? Or to test the SARS Co V 2 spike protein in? I am trying to understand this – to see at what point/what part the HEK293 cells are used, and I’m not sure I quite do yet. I have looked at all the documentation provided in this article, but they are very scientific so it’s hard to understand.
I see the documentation about Pfizer testing their finished vaccine on HEK293. In which document does it show that moderna mRNA tested their finished vaccine on HEK293?
The testing is shown in the Nature article here:
Moderna partnered with NIH who provided the spike protein and they used HEK293. In addition, Moderna used the HEK-293 in the research, development, design and original production of their mRNA technology and delivery. They also tested the final product on the HEK-293.
Is there a link to a list of vaccines that has human aborted cells? It’s not the only vaccine to ever use those juman aborted cells.
How do they manufacture the vaccines without the use of the fetal cells, since that is the way it was initially made?
This is mRNA – different technology than traditional vaccines that use a cell line to culture the virus to make the vaccine. With Moderna, their mRNA technology used the aborted fetal cells, as did the spike protein provided by the NIH. Once the vaccine has been produced and finalized, the cells are not used again – except in final testing.
Thank you for all this information. I read thru all the comments, which provide me more information than the scientific articles. I have just started looking into this with the covid19 vaccine and I am greatly distressed seeing your chart of all the childhood/adult vaccines that have been compromised that we have been giving our children for years, and even taking some myself ie mmr, varivax, hep B,and hep A, thyphoid, and rabies if we want to travel internationally. The chart is awesome, but can you give me an idea of how long these vaccines have been compromised, and what do you do if your health care provider only carries the compromised vaccines? It appears there is not many options available in the US for ethical with these vaccines, only hep B and typhoid, measles and mumps. So where does that leave the Mother and Father who go to the Doctor and are told, this is what we have to protect your child, sorry we can’t get the ethical one?
My last comment is, I really think you should move Pfizers covid 19 vaccine over to the compromised column. It would send a more loud and clear message not to use the fetal cell at all in any process of vaccination production or testing. If it is not clear that this is not ok, they will just do the same thing next time around another vaccine needs to be tested.
The vaccines using aborted fetal cells have been “compromised” from the beginning of their existence. Can’t move Pfizer to the “red” column either – that vaccine was not produced with and does not contain aborted fetal cells. They did test the final product on the HEK-293 as we noted but it was not used in any way in its research, development or production.
Is not the fact that Pfizer uses the new mRNA technology – which has not been studied adequately to rule out or confirm that it can alter a person’s DNA – a moral issue in it’s own right?
The vaccine is not fiction. Of course not. But I will not rush to try it. I would like to wait for a little. I understand that in a few years we will live. With COVID, just like with the usual flu, and once a year or 2 times a year they are vaccinated against it, as well as against other viruses such as influenza. In the end, everything will come to the fact that Covid will become a part of our life. Now it is already noticeable. When I leave the house, I check for one more obligatory thing: my phone, my wallet. keys, medical mask. Is it the same as you?
Best regards: Sophie!
I have zero intention of making a mask a permanent part of my life. We may have to live with Covid for a while, but as treatments become available we’ll have more confidence that it is not a death sentence. And then we can have our lives back. WE MUST NOT ACCEPT THIS PANDEMIC AS A PERMANENT CHANGE TO OUR LIVES.
Would the cells used in the HEK-293 cell line be considered “fetal stem cells,” or is that a separate issue?
Thank you for your AMAZING and unparalleled work.
HEK-293 cells are from an aborted baby. The cells technically would be identified as fetal cells, not necessarily as “stem cells” which simply identifies them as a certain type of cell. A “stem cell” is one in the human body that is either embryonic or adult, determined by gestation age. An aborted fetal cell is one that was derived from cells, tissues or organs of an aborted baby at any stage of development.
Vaccine is Not safe for Human being…
We’re all against Vaccination…
Corona is The biggest scam in mankind history..
Aweken india…
WHO is One of the Biggest Corrupt Organization in the world.
HEK 293 is a staple for biological research and several other basic research materials have been produced from it and conducting research without relying on it in some form is practically impossible at this point.
The National Catholic Register did a follow up on November 25th of the November 20th Trasancos article which seemed to assuage any ethical concerns of the Moderna vaccine (aside from testing). What is the latest on this? Does this November 25th article take care of the objections sufficiently? If not, why not? I am trying to provide information to parishioners to help them make the decision with an informed conscience, but without a medical degree I am left in uncertainty between opposing expert authorities.
Unfortunately, some of the information that has been given is incorrect because the assumption was that Moderna only used aborted fetal cells in final testing. The science documents actually show that they used aborted fetal cells in their original research, development, design, the joint production of the protein provided by the NIH and final testing. We have presented those facts in this document – the science shows the truth.
Fr. Sandquist, I wouldn’t say my articles assuage any ethical concerns, but Debi and I do have a disagreement on exactly what they did in the research. It’s not always so clear. Aside from testing, I can only find (in the Nature article and other resources above) that in the early stages of research they used HEK293 to express the spike protein from genetic material for the purpose of studying its structure and properties, so that they could in turn design the genetic code for a stabilized form of the spike protein itself to serve as the vaccine. (It is possible other companies did the same in early research.) Other than that, Moderna tested in the HEK293 cells along the way at various stages in the development. I don’t see that there is a big difference in the ethics, however. Either way, the existence of the vaccine depends on HEK293 use. All tainted. It’s like us moms say, “A little poop in the brownies makes the whole pan bad; no difference between a teeny bit and a little bit more, all bad. Not eating them.”
What is more important going forward is that we find out whether Moderna, or anyone else, uses HEK293 in the quality control testing in an ongoing way, as part of the *daily process*. Father, we don’t know that yet either. I wish we did. That information may be provided by the FDA when the manufacturing process is licensed. For now, it is only approved (not licensed) due to the emergency use authorization.
So, for your parishioners, the bottom line is that the vaccines are ethically tainted. The Church has said (and this is nothing new) that we may use the vaccines if we need them, that it’s not our fault the researchers and industry made the choices they did. Whether to use the vaccine or not is a decision each person must make according to his/her conscience. How much is it needed? How much does our acceptance thwart our ability to protest these practices effectively?
Whether each of us use the vaccine or not, however (and I know you know, just laying it out), we all need to protest these immoral practices so that we are never in this position again. That is what we are doing at Children of God for Life — educating and organizing efforts to continue the great work Debi Vinnedge began over twenty years ago, and pressure industry, universities, and government to stop using aborted children in research. I hope this helps! ~Stacy
Thank you for the reply. I was referring to the November 25th McKeown article when I was asking if the ethical concerns were cleared up, but I don’t think your reply was affected by that misunderstanding.
What is especially important to me is knowing how the Moderna vaccine ethically compares to the Pfizer and the AstraZeneca vaccines. Based on what you have said, it seems that the Moderna vaccine is ethically more similar to the Pfizer vaccine than to the AstraZeneca vaccine (at least based on the available research).
Vaxine doctor under Oath gives information on this video regarding the use of fetal tissue in vaxines etc. Not necessarily this one but it is obvious it is a common occurrence.
So, is there a vaccine in the making with NO connection with fetal stem cells?
Yes – List we have researched so far morally produced and not is on our website:
Both vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) which has the possibility of changing our own DNA blueprint. Adequate time was not allowed to see if this is occurring. Serious adverse events including death occurred during the animal phase of testing of an mRNA vaccine for SARS1COVID. No animal tests were done for these SARS2/COVID19 vaccines. Anyone taking these vaccines are guinea pigs.
I have heard that the vaccine does not actually prevent a person from getting the virus, rather it just minimizes the symptoms. Is this true? If so, wouldn’t that increase the spread because people would not know that they have the virus?
I work in a pharmacy and we are using the Moderna vaccine. I got curious about the ingredients so I opened the leaflet on the package. The ONLY thing on it was “INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK”. There was NO information on it or the package!
I have a question about a statement from one of your sources mentioned above. Above it is stated –
And this from the Catholic Medical Association publication in Our Sunday Visitor: How were the cells of aborted babies involved in the development of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Both of the mRNA vaccines relied on the genetic sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that was determined by another company that used HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) cells (from a baby that either was aborted or miscarried in the 1970s). So my question is this – Where it states [ both of the mRNA vaccines ] relied on the genetic sequence… that used HEK-293 – Is “both” referring to “both” Pfizer and Moderna? And if so, then was not the Pfizer vaccine developed the same as Moderna’s, using aborted fetal tissue?
No – the reference to “both” using HEK to express the spike protein is incorrect. Only Moderna did that – not Pfizer. This link under BioNTech/Pfizer shows they used K562 adult cells to express the spike protein – not HEK. Their reference caused confusion and has been removed.
So did Moderna at any time feom befinning to end use aborted cell lines? Yes or no?
Yes Moderna absolutely did use aborted fetal cells from beginning to end. The facts linked on the page prove it.
It’s not even a vaccine. It is gene therapy.
Yes. Many do… mmr priorix eg
Thank you for your clear statement of hope + practicality! Janet, I appreciate your post. Although i understand the real and difficult implications of COVID infection, I am determined to live a balanced life, and not allow any political or social fear-mongering, social engineering efforts to deter me from living in the forgiveness and freedom of life that Jesus our LORD paid for on the cross, for us.
Ethically and morally, I cannot take the vaccines. And prayerfully, I refer people to this website, so they may make informed, ethical choices themselves.
No matter what, we need to trust God and follow Him fully.
Dr. Trasancos,
In view of the “poop in the brownie” analogy, I am trying to understand the importance of one time testing versus ongoing testing. That is a quantitative rather than qualitative difference, and it seems to me that our basis for moral decision making should be far more heavily influenced by the quality of abortion-taintedness rather than the quantity.
I also want to remind your readers, especially those in leadership within the Church, to please investigate the alternative ethical options that exist, most notably ivermectin. My sense is that current recommendations in favor of available COVID vaccines assume the lack of such an alternative. I believe that church leaders have the moral responsibility to promote the use of any such alternative in lieu of abortion tainted vaccination as soon as sufficient data is available regarding safety and efficacy. Having read the relevant studies, I believe that such data currently exists. I am happy to provide a link to those resources.
So is Moderno as bad as Johnson and Johnson?
Were the bishops mistaken when they said that BOTH Moderno and Pfizer were more moral than Johnson and Johnson?
The end product of Moderna’s is not as morally problematic because there are no aborted fetal cell components in their vaccine. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine does contain components and DNA from the PER C6 aborted baby. Both used aborted fetal cells throughout their research and development and final testing. The bishops are correct that J&J is worse for 2 reasons: 1) their end product contains aborted fetal material and 2) aborted fetal cells are continuously used for production by J&J
None of you should be taking any genetic test inoculation.
This is what Fauci and gates do NOT want you to know about !
I was very disturbed to learn recently about the use of cell-lines from abortions in vaccines, then about Moderna. While looking into the origins of HEK-293, I found this 2006 article from The National Catholic Bioethics Center, “The Ethics of HEK-293,” by a Dr. Alvin Wong:$FILE/ncbq_2006_0006_0003_0077_0099.pdf
As a Christian it left me with a huge concern: Shouldn’t HEK-293’s origins be qualified as from an “alleged” abortion? I ask because the Biblical standard per Deut. 19:15 is the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses to confirm that the mother had her child killed in the womb. What we have is one testimony, Dr. van der Eb’s expert assessment about what he received afterwards.
Here’s what the article quotes Dr. van der Eb as saying (from the page 2[474] in the article): “So the kidney material, the fetal kidney material was as follows: the kidney of the fetus was, with an unknown family history, obtained in 1972 probably. The precise date is not known anymore. The fetus, as far as I can remember was completely normal. Nothing was wrong. The reasons for the abortion were unknown to me. I probably knew it at that time, but it got lost, all this information.”
The normal condition does indicate an elective abortion as Dr. Wong says of it.
Dr. van der Eb is not a direct witness though. If we had on record the mother’s testimony and/or that of the attending surgeon’s that it was indeed an elective abortion, then the minimum Biblical standard of witnesses would be met. To my knowledge we don’t have that. Dr. van der Eb is uncertain about the dead child’s origins and qualifies its condition with the expression, “as far as I can remember.”
This falls below the minimum Biblical standard to establish the mother’s guilt. Wouldn’t this be bearing false witness against the mother? But her rights matter as well as the child’s because she is condemned automatically every time the word abortion is used about this HEK cell line without any qualifier such as “likely” or “alleged.”
Stan, thank you for your comment and the thought you dedicated to it.
There is more evidence relating to the source of the tissue. Please refer to this article, addressing the speculation that the origin of the tissue used to establish the HEK293 cell line was a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or a stillbirth.
Jose, thank you for that powerful article.
I want to be fully persuaded before God that the science permits us to forego the 2-3 on-scene witnesses He required for man to establish a murder. So to confirm what I believe your article says, Would you attest that there is no imaginable scenario in which a spontaneous abortion could have resulted in the HEK 293 cell line?
Stan, I admire your sense of justice. I will prayerfully deliberate so as to serve that sense in a deserving manner. I will respond tomorrow. Thank you.
Stan, I have thought your question through as thoroughly as I’m able. There is no worldly possibility that the HEK293 cell line originated from tissue obtained from a spontaneous abortion.
Thank you Jose.
Are there any companies making ethically-clean vaccines that seem likely to make it eventually to the marketplace?
Yes – GSK and Sanofi Pasteur, JPII Institute – several listed on the website here:
Thank you Debra. pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf I separated the link because google does not allow me to post it. Copy the link and remove the space to go to the CDC vaccine excipient list. The measles/rubella, varicella (chickenpox), hep A, and zoster (shingles) vaccines use MRC-5 in their final product. W-38 was a cell line previously listed on some vaccines and was going to be replaced with a new cell line possibly from a 2015 aborted baby in China. Glyphosate was also removed from the ingredients list. Both W-38 and glyphosate are carcinogenic.
MMR does not use MRC-5. It uses WI-38 which is shown in the package insert. The virus, RA273 also was derived from an aborted baby. However, MMRV – which adds varicella to MMR does use MRC-5. Walvax is the new cell line produced in China to replace MRC-5 for their vaccines but is not used in US vaccine production. The vaccine excipient list is incorrect and CDC was notified over a year ago in a formal complaint. They do not show MRC-5 in Hepatitis-A (Vaqta) nor do they show it in Imovax for rabies yet the package inserts clearly do. Info on the abortions and cell lines is on the website at
Fellow pro-lifers, please call MODERNA and tell them to change their practices and not use fetal stem cells. with future vaccines. – Call: 1-866-MODERNA (1-866-663-3762)
If I get the Moderna vaccine, do I get cells from human fetuses in my body?
Matias, the answer is ‘No’. There are no fetal cells in the vaccine, nor are there any fragments of fetal cells, either. The Moderna vaccine is not grown in fetal cell lines, although fetal cell lines were used as test media throughout its research and development.
Thank you so very much Stacy. I’m trying to compose a letter for religious exemption for myself as the hospital system for whom I work and have worked 4 the past 38 years is mandating vaccinations by October 1st. I am a Christian and I am pro-life and in all Ernest I treat my body as God’s Temple. I do not want to be intentionally injected with a vaccination that has some origin in aborted fetal cells. Your response was very helpful and I quote you quote so far your parishioners the bottom line is that the vaccines are ethically tainted and quote. Thank you
For Bible-believing Christians, Genesis 3:15 talks about two types of DNA – a natural man/woman’s offspring and the unnatural seed from the fallen angels (devil) according to Genesis 6:1-4 which is the Hebrew word called the nephilim offspring. We do not know if the aborted child’s tissue was from either case. Matthew 13’s parable about the wheat and the darnel (weed) makes it clear that it is impossible to know till the end of the age when the angels will separate the two. So, if Moderna or any other Pharma company that uses mRNA vaccines developed from tissue of an aborted child the tissue of a nephilim-child would create even more moral issues. I think all mRNA vaccines are technology coming from the pits of hell.
I would refer all readers to two articles in Catholic World Report by Monica Seeley that describes fetal tissue harvesting and testing. 3-5 month fetuses are alive…hearts beating, when organs and tissues are extracted for research and testing. And this has been going on for almost 80 years. FRESH tissue must be obtained. It is a horror and scandal that our Catholic Church and pro life institutions have not known this. I guess it is only now being fully revealed. Fetal tissue testing is the ugly diabolical fruit of abortion. We cannot have anything to do with either one.
And…here is an example of how closely abortion centers and research facilities work together…minutes pass between the abortion and the live dissection of the fetus.
Pfizer are another immoral company that use animals. No company that tortures horses,dogs, cats, mice, and monkeys for financial profit can ever be deemed moral.
Pfizer is uses the hek293 cells taken from murdered human beings in the production process/lab testing. Any product that use parts and tissues of any murdered beings in the production process is deeply unethical.
If you spend some time digging into the spike protein they developed you would see that the Charlote Lozier institute is wrong and that COG is right on this count.
Pfizer developed their spike protein off of a cancer cell, Moderna developed it off of a fetal cell.
Whats more interesting is when you look into the process of how they actually acquire the DNA to make the mRNA…. that should ask questions as well. Look into the process of generating the mRNA and see how it starts with DNA from an unnamed source.
Is it known if it was a one time test? Quality control would necessitate ongoing testing of new batches probably?
A comment on another site said with regard to HEK 296, the cell line that Pfizer and others used for testing:
The fact is that an abortion took place in 1973 and people are keeping it going. The child’s body needs to be put to rest. Every part, even the cell lines. It is not right that people have ever or will ever benefit from this abortion.
Inside the Lab That Invented the COVID-19 Vaccine By Get Smart
Watch at 6:35
-a spirit is contained within those flasks, that has not been given a burial. Repentance has not been done, neither has a penance. Instead, a heretical Pope (and other Christian/Catholic religious leaders) are trying to use their own reason, and not faith, by stating that abortion is too far disconnected. This video should obviously show that to be wrong; it is not disconnected. Moderna is still using cloned HEK cells.
Does love come naturally, through our own self/genes? It actually doesn’t come naturally; the ability to love was given to us, as we increased our faith. We earned trust with God, and He allowed us increased responsibility and knowledge, which should have turned to wisdom. As our faith decreases, a belief might form that the Catholic Church is weak, and feelings (like love) can be stamped into submission by other faithless humans and replaced with different mindsets. The Catholic Church has long stood against faithless actions, and wisdom is what has been earned and granted from the choice of faith. The Trinity is still alive and well. When we act in love (catechism 1776-1782, 1789), reject evil, the results are good. When we choose an evil, even trying to be good in the end, the results are not good (1789 forbids acting evil). This is also why the autism rate in the US is at 1:28; it’s pretty sad. Many Catholics have fallen away, and are now being gifted opportunities to correct themselves, their beliefs, and ensuing actions. This is grace from the divine Mother; the recent vaccinations were not developed from grace, but grace is being given in hopes of correction. Is it possible that a Catholic may pray and then currently receive guidance to receive an abortion-tainted vaccine? Probably not. However, in time, people will have to learn their faith again. The immaculate conception was divine; God originated a genetic sequence from His energy alone, and His angels guided Jesus all of His life. He outsmarted every attempt to discredit Him and showed the existence of the Trinity. All were called, but many were jealous. Imprinting the exact cure into each individual with the True Faith is also possible, and it’s already being done; one just needs to listen, and have confidence. This is why the paragraphs from the catechism (above) are of critical importance, and are from the Holy Spirit. They are not from man. When man tries to remove the Holy Spirit and moral conscience with coercion or forced actions (etc)….disaster. Faithful persons will be passed over, but not resentful ones. This means not casting judgement to the ones making their own prison cells. They made their prison, and reside in their cell; pray for them.
As more evidence, consider reading a report, titled:
Priorix Tetra human genome and MRC-5 cell line – comparative study.
You’ll see (between the lines) that the Holy Spirit that shined when the baby was created, has not been buried yet, and that a combination of unfaithful adults and science-addicts have asked the Holy Spirit to leave these cell lines….which become inflicted with another spirit. They are subtly (remarkably) changing the genomes of the cell lines. Since the “good, sound science” argument is being tested upon an ever-changing genetic linage, the science is being slowly and positively invalidated and destroyed by the powers that be.
Catholics are The Light of this world; we accept the mysteries that science can still not explain to this day, and many more mysteries as well. We fully accept the Transubstantiation, the Immaculate Conception (the Light literally shines at conception, captured by fluorescent zinc detectors in 2016), and the Trinity. Mary has been warning us through apparitions of what happens before the Father casts adverse judgement; the Transubstantiation is nullified, and belief wanes. People choose science over faith, and then self-righteous men justify themselves claiming that God gave them great science for their triumph. God did not give man aborted fetal tissues; faithless, corrupt man took it and tried to build a kingdom upon it. Protestant-acting nations are in deep crap. Good works come about from Catholics because we choose to live in The Trinity, and are called to do good. It is necessary, unlike Protestantism, which does not require it. God responds by nourishing our souls both in this life, and the next. Nothing can penetrate the Trinitarian relationship, except one’s’ own choice to choose evil over good. Once somebody learns of the still-alive-and-well connection to abortion, there is only one option for use of these products. If a certain group of people denies or removes the ability for a legitimate religious exemption requests, leave that area.