(Clearwater Fl) Children of God for Life announced today that a new flu vaccine, Flucelvax produced by Novartis uses a morally produced mammal-based cell line rather than chick embryo. The proprietary cell line called MDCK (Madin Darby Canine Kidney) has been used for decades in vaccine production and offers a moral alternative to aborted fetal cell line flu vaccines that are currently under development by competing manufacturers.
“We are extremely pleased to see Novartis advance in the market over those such as Sanofi Pasteur who are developing influenza vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines,” said Children of God for Life Executive Director Debi Vinnedge. “Novartis built its new facility in Holly Springs NC focusing on a moral cell line and they are to be commended for listening to public concerns.”
Novartis, along with several pharmaceutical companies had taken license in early 2001 to aborted fetal cell line PER C6 and there was public concern that this cell line would replace the current and slower techonology of using chick embryo to produce influenza and H1N1 vaccines.
But Novartis changed direction and unlike some of its competitors chose the option of using a tested and safe mammal cell line that would not infringe on moral concerns. Vinnedge says she is thrilled they are the first to bring the new technology to market.
“We have been watching this closely for the past 10 years,” noted Vinnedge. “We encourage the pubic to write Novartis to congratulate and thank them for their new Flucelvax vaccine that will not force anyone to violate their religious and prolife beliefs.”
Contact Novartis through their contact link on the website at: http://www.novartisvaccines.com/us/index.shtml or at:
Novartis Corporation Corporate Communications
230 Park Avenue, 21st Floor
New York, NY 10169
Futher reading:
Novartis receives FDA approval for Flucelvax®, the first cell-culture vaccine in US to help protect against seasonal influenza
- Cell-culture technology, an alternative to traditional egg-based production, is the most significant advancement in influenza vaccine manufacturing in more than 40 years[1]
- Flucelvax is the only influenza vaccine of its kind in the US and does not contain any preservatives, such as thimerosal, or antibiotics[2]
- Approval demonstrates Novartis leadership in advancing novel influenza vaccine research and manufacturing technologies
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.