June 24th, 2010 by Mark Armstrong
Shouldn’t we determine whether injecting the DNA from aborted babies into our children is safe, oh yeah, and moral too?What’s a Catholic to do?
Let’s not mince words here. We’ve got a problem. Last fall a new study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics’ journal Pediatrics found a parent-reported autism prevalence rate of one in every 91 American children, including one in 58 boys. For years, groups like Autism Speaks and public figures like Jenny McCarthy and John Travolta have been trying to find out what is causing this dramatic rise in the number of reported cases of autism. For a time, vaccines were thought to be the culprit because of the thimerosal (a mercury preservative) contained in some vaccines. Now something even more sinister may be the deadly link: the DNA from voluntarily aborted babies that is used as a base ingredient in many childhood vaccines. New research is underway now after the latest findings reinforced the fact that the use of these tainted vaccines correlate perfectly with the spike in autism rates around the world.
This spring Dr. Theresa Deisher, president of the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), as well as development director for Ave Maria Biotechnology Company received a half-million dollar grant to study the link between residual DNA from voluntarily aborted babies in childhood vaccines and autism. This comes on the heels of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcing that they had analyzed a subset of worldwide autism disorder incidence data and indentified 1988 as a critical “changepoint” in the rate of rise of autism.
According to Dr. Deisher the only environmental event correlating with this statistical autism trend and the “changepoint” the EPA identified was the introduction of vaccines tainted with the tissues from voluntarily aborted babies. And there is even more alarming news when you look at other “changepoints” both in the USA and the rest of the world:
We see a change point in 1988 and then we see another change point in 1995 and what both years are associated with is not mercury in the vaccines, it is not relaxed diagnosis (of autism), it is not microwaves, it is not cell phones, it is not sunscreen… it is not any of these sociological or environmental factors because we have looked at them all.
So what is it?
The one event we can find over decades and across continents that is associated with ALL these “changepoints” is the introduction to these countries of aborted fetal cells in produced vaccines.
One of the “changepoints” correlates in the United States with 1995, the same year the chicken pox vaccine tainted with aborted babies was introduced. “And the autism rise from that year forward is dramatic after that year,” said Deisher, who went on:
Further, vaccinating your children against chicken pox may not even be necessary.
Chicken pox vaccine is a vaccine purely for convenience. We have mostly two-parent income families and for them chicken pox is very inconvenient. Before the tainted-vaccine was available, one million children got chicken pox every year in this country. And according to the Centers for Disease Control 135 children died. Compare this to 1 in 91 who will develop autism.
Fair Labeling
A lot of parents would like to know if the vaccines they are injecting into their child were produced using the tissues from voluntarily aborted babies. Even if they are not worried about inflicting autism on their child, many Catholic parents believe it is morally reprehensible and against Church teachings. Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine which vaccines are abortion-free.
No law requires companies to tell parents which vaccines contain the DNA from aborted babies. “That’s correct,” said Deisher:
“There is nothing requiring disclosure. On the package insert, which most consumers don’t read, some will state ‘manufactured using human diploid cells’ which are cell lines from an aborted baby. But sometimes that information is coded and not readily understandable to the average consumer.
Sadly, in the United States for vaccines like chicken pox, MMR and others there are no alternatives available that are not tainted with the DNA from voluntarily aborted babies. There is a list of the tainted vaccines and some of the alternatives that are available at the Children of God for Life website.
Catholic Teachings
Catholic parents who want to take the moral high ground and not vaccinate their children with tainted vaccines certainly have the right to do so. The Pontifical Academy for Life (PLA) in 2005 told Catholics that they have “a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines and to make a conscientious objection with regard to those which have moral problems.”
But how often do you hear of a Catholic telling their physician they do not intend to vaccinate their children because of the moral problems of vaccines produced with the tissue from voluntarily aborted babies?
The PLA further stated that just because these vaccines are lawful to use does not let a Catholic off the hook either. In fact, we are either passively or actively supporting the original evil act of abortion when we knowingly choose to use these tainted vaccines and do not express our outrage each time:
The lawfulness of the use of these vaccines should not be misinterpreted as a declaration of the lawfulness of their production, marketing and use, but is to be understood as being a passive material cooperation(emphasis added) and, in its mildest and remotest sense, also active material cooperation , morally justified as an “extrema ratio” due to the necessity to provide for the good of one’s children and of the people who come in contact with the children — especially pregnant women. Such cooperation occurs in a context of moral coercion of the conscience of parents, who are forced to choose to act against their conscience or otherwise, to put the health of their children and of the population as a whole at risk. This is an unjust alternative choice, which must be eliminated as soon as possible.
Maybe if more Catholics did express their outrage for having to use vaccines made from the DNA of innocent babies voluntarily aborted by their mothers, then manufacturers would create new vaccines and eliminate this “unjust alternative choice.”
Maybe if more Catholics would refuse vaccination because they do not want to passively or actively support the killing of innocent babies in the womb then we could stop the rise in autism rates.
Ultimately the ends can never justify the means and in this case using the DNA from voluntarily aborted babies to save us from disease needs to end.
Mark Armstrong is the co-author of Amazing Grace for Fathers along with his wife, Patti Armstrong, Jeff Cavins and Matt Pinto. The couple’s website is at
More helpful information on autism and vaccines:
After the Autism Diagnosis: Staying Connected as a Couple
The Guide to Securing Life-long Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs
When an Autism Diagnosis Comes in Adulthood
Creating a Sensory-Friendly Home for Your Autistic Child
The Guide to Buying Used Accessible Vehicles
Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Coping with Grief and Loss through Death or Divorce
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.