June 29, 2010
07:02 PM
This is absolutely disgusting. Taking cells from murdered human beings, and to think of all of the people who are using this crap on themselves without even knowing! Disgusting, I do not know how people can sleep at night knowing they are using murdered babies to make face products, that is absolutely sick! No, there are no words to describe that. And the other posters are right, you are NO BETTER than the abortionists themselves. Shame on you
Nancy H Blomberg
La Mirada CA 90638
United States
March 30, 2010
06:24 PM
How could you used dead babies for your benefit you guys are sick b******s..that is sick n grouse all your company cares about making money thats all ..did you ever think about how people will feel? I am sure you guys didnt you company needs to put end to this
Alysse Dahlgren
Rolling Meadows, IL
United States
November 19, 2009
08:23 PM
How dare you profit from the murder of an unborn child, yet you call yourselves ethical humans. Abortion is murder without ifs and buts because the unborn are human too. I currently boycott and confiscate beauty products that contain collegen and other abortion dirivatives. Too long has law been supressed, and children murdered. I know expos facto laws are unconstitutional, but so is abortion, expos facto punishment is a necessary exception because of the crime’s nature. Remember that abortion is a crime against humanity for the same reason genocide is. As for justice, the people made the decision along with the abortionists, should be locked in Alcatraz or Guantamano Bay without parole, and collegen injections should be outlawed.
Susan Petersen
November 14, 2009
08:27 PM
Mr Lemko,
It is so sad that a cosmetic company would ever capitalize from the destruction of innocent babies. Just as repulsive is a woman’s ‘choice’ to dispose of a child of God, as if he or she were yesterdays rubbish. These are bodies with souls, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a compilation of everything that is Godly and the very closest to God. Anyone who even entertains the notion of putting these products on their bodies have a sick sense of ethics, and if their vanity is more important than any sort of moral obligation, then buy it. They had better be highly moisturized, because I hear its hot in hell.
Original Set of Public Comments: Oct 30-Nov 5, 2009
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:49:59
I am writing this to you regarding the “ingredients” used for reconstructive/cosmetic purposes. I want to say: SHAME ON YOU… SHAME ON YOU for using aborted fetal cells. Specifically male aborted fetal cells. Of course you don’t say that on the description of where these cells come from. Do you disclose this information to your patients? Is the price of “beauty” more important than the life of an unborn baby? Besides being unethical… And you’re a women for God’s sake. Are you also pro-death? You are no better than the local abortuary and abortorium that murders the unborn. You are an accessory to the murder of millions of unborn babies. And if you are married and have children this is even worse. Has your conscience been that seared that you have no regard for life? And as a “Dr.” didn’t you take a vow to help preserve life and not to destroy it? Or is money your motivating factor? With technology the way it is and as far as helping patients who have debilitating diseases, etc. there are, I am sure, other types of ingredients that could be used instead of aborted/murdered fetal (unborn babies) cells. I hope the money, etc. is worth it because this life is temporary (AND NO, I AM NOT ADVOCATING VIOLENCE, ONLY AN APPEAL TO YOUR EGO AND CONSCIENCE)… we all will stand in front of God, the Father, for an accountability of our lives. You will stand in front of Him and account for why you used UNETHICAL “cosmetic” products/ingredients. Have a nice life, Jan Johnson, NY Note: Jan is running in the New York State Senate 2010 election for the Constitution Party, against Kirsten Gillibrand who replaced Senator Hillary Clinton.
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:50:36
The Pro Life community is going public with what we’ve found out about you. With nearly 50% of the American public identifying themselves as Pro Life, this should be of some concern to you. While I am disgusted by your use of aborted fetal cell lines in your products, I can tell you that you can repent of this now. You can appeal to Jesus Christ and ask to be forgiven of this and all sin. You can come clean and end this practice and live and work ethically. Life is too short to live with a heavy heart of shame and regret. End your immoral actions and business practices and provide your consumers with truth, lest God bring judgment upon you. In Christ, Jocelyn Fry
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:51:05
Dear. Mr. Lemko Love the play on words. The fact that the original fetal skin sample came from an aborted fetus is an abomination. You think there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, but it does not comply with the laws of God. You and/or Neocutis may not have had a hand in the abortion of the baby, but the fact that Neocutis now uses it (regardless of the condition/state it is in now) to make anti-aging products is unethical. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” ~ I Corinthians 3:19 You keep telling yourself that what you are doing is ethical so you can sleep at night. My prayer is that the “Truth” will be revealed to you. Thank you for publishing the truth. Many people don’t realize that aborted fetuses are used in the medical industry. I used to work for Glaxo-SmithKline so I know differently. Peace, Joy and Blessings, Lizbeth
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:51:14
Dear. Mr. Lemko Love the play on words. The fact that the original fetal skin sample came from an aborted fetus is an abomination. You think there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, but it does not comply with the laws of God. You and/or Neocutis may not have had a hand in the abortion of the baby, but the fact that Neocutis now uses it (regardless of the condition/state it is in now) to make anti-aging products is unethical. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” ~ I Corinthians 3:19 You keep telling yourself that what you are doing is ethical so you can sleep at night. My prayer is that the “Truth” will be revealed to you. Thank you for publishing the truth. Many people don’t realize that aborted fetuses are used in the medical industry. I used to work for Glaxo-SmithKline so I know differently. Peace, Joy and Blessings, Lizbeth
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:51:52
To Mark Lemko Regarding your “defense” of using the remains of murdered babies in your products, where have I heard that before? “I was only following orders and was the guard at the prison camp, not the executioner.” “I did not kill the bank guard or rob the bank, I only drove the getaway car.” We have been exhorted by Jesus to pray for you and I will, in hope that your eyes will be opened. Harry Meekins Riverton, Wyoming
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:52:12
Dear Mr. Lemko: I just wanted you to know that I have seen your response regarding the “ingredients” in your products. What you are a part of is unethical and so far removed from God, the Father. I have looked at your website…. Why would you blatently say the opposite of what your products ingredients say are in them? Shameful… Mr. Lemko is it really worth the blood money that you are making? A loss of life to feed someone’s vanity? And as was recommended… you can repent now instead of waiting to stand in front of God, the Father for your accountability… which will be worse because you won’t be able to change, it will be for eternity. Jan Johnson
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 19:52:51
Dear Neocutis, I find it abhorrent that you are using the discarded bodies of innocent babies to make your skin creams. You are direct social descendants of the Nazis in using humans as simple biological material for your products. May God have mercy on your souls and bring you to the full realization of the evil in which you are participating. You can be sure that I will never use one of your products. Aside from the immoral nature of this, it is also an abominable health risk to be spreading someone else’s DNA on one’s skin. Wanda Glitz Illinois, USA
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 20:24:30
I am physically ill over this barbaric, horrendous, cannibalistic, inhuman behavior! This whole world better fall on its knees, and ask the Good Lord in Heaven, to forgive us of our sins towards mankind. What kind of woman or man, would use this cream/makeup on their body? Maybe if they ignore the giant pink elephant in their living room, they could rub it in rub it in.
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 20:27:49
What’s next- unborn babies’skin for lamp shades???? We have Nazi medicine-now we have Nazi capitalism!!!!!!!!!
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 20:28:37
Aye yes I heard about this. Pretty sick! First they invent contraceptive drugs for women, they advocate abortion through pro-choice productive health care, they even have it in vaccinations, now they use aborted fetal ingredients in face creams. By they I mean the secular culture of death society. The creator of these creams must of had a dream and woke up in the middle of the night and said “by gosh golly I have an idea”. Sick! Frankenstein experimentation once again. Hey just in time for the witch season.
Date: 30 Oct 2009
Time: 20:41:53
Just like Josef Mengele’s “research.” Once you define a class of people as “sub-human,” you can do whatever you want with them. Got it.
Date: 31 Oct 2009
Time: 03:17:17
Thank you so much for exposing this company. I have heard over the years of companies using aborted fetuses. You also asked for companies that do not use aborted fetuses in their skin care line. One such company can be found at They use only natural organic ingredients and they are not tested on animals. Thank You again Gordon
Date: 31 Oct 2009
Time: 14:20:15
I wish there were big labels on products that utilize fetal cells. Where’s the outrage? PETA would have a field day if they were breeding & killing animals for testing or use in products, but somehow babies aren’t worth the same concern?
Date: 01 Nov 2009
Time: 02:45:24
On March 31, 2009 I sent the following letter to Children of God for Life as I heard that you would get the word out. I heard nothing about the subjectuntil I saw this article this week. Thanks for sreading the truth, but what took so long????? Discovering the “Power” of PSP Proteins 3/30/09 Dear Friends, I attended a fundraiser for a Jesuit elementary school in D.C. this weekend. My children attended this school and I was happy to support it by buying raffle tickets and by bidding on auction items. I went home with a number of prizes that I was excited to receive. One of those prizes was a collection of skin care products that were donated by a VA plastic surgeon. My “over 50” wrinkles are evident and well earned, yet I relished the idea of having a supply of expensive miracle creams at my free disposal. I sat down yesterday and read some of the accompanying literature and was wowed with the dramatic results documented in clinical trials. The “power of psp proteins” would turn back the clock and my face would be desirably smoother and younger looking in 60 days. But something in me sank when I read that “psp” contained protein from skin cells and that I would in deed need to dispose of my “prize”. It’s “power” has a dark side. I read feverously looking for evidence it was plant or animal based protein used in the lotions. I can live with rat protein being used for products, but something in my heart told me this was not from any animal, but from a baby. The worst of my fears proved true, for after Goggling the cited studies and getting a lot of scientific protein data that curdled my blood, I found right in the product’s basic brochure that “a dedicated cell bank was established for developing new skin treatments using a single donation of fetal tissue…” Further evidence surfaced that a 14 week old fetus was “skinned” for purposes of setting up this cell line. The mother had signed a permission form. I wonder if she knew what she was doing or that years later her baby’s protein would be continually replicated for such use. That flooded me with the memory that I too had signed a permission form when I aborted my precious child 24 years ago. Had I not known my baby died at less than 8 weeks, I would have wondered had this skin had come from him. I remember signing the form, being told that good would come from my abortion (still denying it was a “baby” and was “just a clump of cells”, not really differentiated into a child yet). The argument was likened to donating organs after death; let something good come from this sad event. I’ve heard this argument before and from lofty places. Doesn’t God make good come even from our sins? Shouldn’t we do the same and allow this good (this cell line is also used in treating burn victims with apparent success)? The problem is we are not God. By condoning such action we are allowing an intrinsically evil event to be propagated and used for our own benefit. It’s a kind of cannibalism of our unborn. It is a twisted idea of making something good come from something that is evil. It is still wrong. How emboldened the purveyors of death have become that they proudly print right on the brochures that their “unparalleled innovation” is the result of “donation” of fetal tissue. I can only hope that this is an isolated product that will be exposed for what it is and rejected by the public. But I fear that will not be the case. Even I who “knows better” am still tempted to use this line of beautifully packaged products with wonderfully demonstrated results, but I won’t. I’ve already caved on my principles 24 years ago with devastating results and, by the grace of God, I will not do that again. (I hesitate to name the products for fear of giving it publicity but for those who would like to expose the “lie” of this “new sin”, look up Neocutis Inc, San Francisco, CA at Nancy Tanner VA/DC Regional Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Date: 01 Nov 2009
Time: 23:15:19
Please do not use the innocent to make your creams. I will not buy and of your products and will tell my family and friends about your use of innocent babies to make your products.
Date: 02 Nov 2009
Time: 02:43:15
That is terrible! I read another post concerning this, I’d like to see a list of the companies that do this to boycott. Unfortunatly, many will not care and purchase the products anyway
Date: 02 Nov 2009
Time: 16:21:17
I can’t believe this is happening! When I read this, I actually felt like I wanted to vomit!! Are we really this far gone? SO SAD!!!
Date: 03 Nov 2009
Time: 15:48:56
I think Children of God for Life has blown this WAY out of proportion and given many inaccuracies. Do your research before casting judgement, I’m sure Jesus would tell you the same thing. You should all be ashamed of what you are doing. I am embarrassed of your organization, you are like the high priest who judged Jesus.
Date: 03 Nov 2009
Time: 18:53:43
Mr. Lemco, Seek God’s mercy with a contrite heart-your Loving Father is waiting for you and He loves you. T. Rodriguez
Date: 03 Nov 2009
Time: 22:43:47
Only in America can citizens smear an aborted baby on their face in the name of vanity. Beyond sick.
Date: 04 Nov 2009
Time: 03:13:19
It concerns me that Children of God has not researched their information. I am a right to lifer and vote that way!!! I was unsure of this product buy researched it. What I found was that this company could have hid the ingredients in the product but didn’t. What I found out was a family had a pregnancy where the child ‘s organs where growing on the outside of the body. The baby would 100% not survive. The family chose to donate the baby to research to help others. Separate of the donation, a patch of skin was donated to research of burns and burn victims. So I understand what you are doing by trying to expose companies but this fetus was not able to live. Finally, it was only that one donation in which they multiply and harvest more cells. Never another donation. So, please spend your time on things where we can make a difference in changing womens minds to give up their child for adoption.
Date: 04 Nov 2009
Time: 11:12:19
My name is Robyn and I sent Neocutis an email telling them that I was absolutely apalled that they were using aborted fetal matter in their products and that I would never purchase their products and I would advise my friends and family to not buy their products either. Here is a copy of their response (please note, no sender’s name was added to this response from Neocutis. Safety in anonymity!): “Dear Robyn: Perhaps a simple response is the best. We believe we are the victims of vicious and damaging misinformation. We feel that we are in complete compliance with the laws of God and the laws of man. We were not involved with the acquisition of the original sample of fetal tissue. However, we know the sample was obtained in a legally, morally, ethically and medically correct manner. None of our products contain any of the original fetal cells or tissue. None of our products contain aborted babies. Our lysate is prepared from cultured fibroblasts that have never been part of a fetus. We are not abortionists nor do we condone voluntary or procured abortion and as such have a clear mind that we have not committed or are complicit in an evil act.”
Date: 04 Nov 2009
Time: 14:33:21
Lots of rumors floating out there..CoG for Life reported the truth from the original research documents of the organization. Many abortions involved before the final product – and it was a voluntary abortion – no medical reason for it whatsoever. Even that would not have made it morally okay to use that poor baby. Look at the documents CoG for life posted in their press release and you figure out whose lying here..
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 03:30:43
I am appalled that you find nothing wrong with creating a market for using part of the remains of aborted children for products for sale. How SICK is that!!!! Dr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Gilbert 11147 Sedgewick Court North Royalton, OH 44133
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 05:37:24
I will take great joy in telling every woman I know about your product….who wouldn’t want dead baby cells smeared all over their faces? I can’t imagine anything uglier than a woman using the horrific murder of an innocent child to obtain “processed skin cells” to improve her looks. Why not obtain these same cells from placentas or umbilical cords from babies welcomed into this world?
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 05:39:15
I will take great joy in telling every woman I know about your product….who wouldn’t want dead baby cells smeared all over their faces? I can’t imagine anything uglier than a woman using the horrific murder of an innocent child to obtain “processed skin cells” to improve her looks. Why not obtain these same cells from placentas or umbilical cords from babies welcomed into this world? Katherine Thompson, Mother to Taylor, Haley and Casey…3 future females never to use your product
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 14:35:33
Mr. Lemko, I am shocked and repulsed that you are using a boy’s body as a ‘source’ for your skin creams. That is disgusting and despicable and denies the dignity of a precious life. Nothing justifies this Frankenstein-like practice. In your own words, “the donated fetal skin tissue can continue to ease suffering, speed healing, save lives, and improve the well-being of many patients around the globe.” My, that is a lofty statement. What do beauty creams have to do with saving the world?! Please stop. There must be other means to sell your product. I wonder if the little boy had a name? Maybe you could call your creams “Stephen Sauce”? I am all about free enterprise. I own my own company. I strive to find ways to be better than my competition. All I am saying is that there must be an alternative way to accomplish a great skin cream. Please stop. If you don’t, I will inform consumers and families in my wide sphere of influence to cause your business to fail. Drew Meadows Atlanta, GA
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 16:35:29
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my utter disgust at the fact that your company, Neocutis, is using aborted fetal material for your “processed skin proteins” in your company’s skin-care creams. This fact demonstrates a complete disregard for the value of human life as such, and in effect cannibalises one human being for the benefit of another – and the benefit in many cases is merely cosmetic. It does not matter that the tissue came “only” from one child, or that it may have been taken some time ago: I would not use a lampshade made from one of Dr. Mengele’s victims, even if it is now over sixty years since it was made, nor will I use products made using tissue taken from aborted babies. It is particularly repulsive in the light of the fact that ethical alternatives do exist. I would ask that you find an ethical alternative to this fetal material for the manufacture of these products, and for the development of future products. Yours sincerely, Catherine Kavanagh (Dept. of Philosophy,Mary Immaculate College, Limerick)
Date: 05 Nov 2009
Time: 20:20:35
I will be much more careful when purchasing products and will never purchase from Neocutis. May God have mercy on your soul.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.