Canadian Physicians Win Pro-Life Victory Over Aborted Fetal Vaccines:
New polio combo vaccine for Canada does not use aborted fetal cell lines
(Alberta, Canada) Pro-life families in Canada are rejoicing as Canadian Physicians for Life (CPL), have successfully lobbied the Alberta Health Ministry for access to an ethical alternative of PENTACEL (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus B), which contains the MRC-5 fetal cell line in the polio component.
Beginning in March, parents and physicians will be able to obtain Pediacel, which is identical to Pentacel and also manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, but uses Vero (monkey kidney) rather than aborted cell lines. But until now, parents wishing to avoid aborted fetal vaccines have been forced to travel to the US or forego vaccination altogether.
For years, Children of God for Life has urged Canadians to persevere in persuading government officials to allow the use of the ethical versions of polio, measles and mumps for their citizens. But until Canadian Physicians for Life stepped in, little to no progress was being made.
“This is a great victory for Canadian physicians and families”, said Children of God for Life Executive Director, Debi Vinnedge. “Their undaunted persistence in petitioning Health Canada means that families can now protect their loved ones without compromising their deeply held pro-life and religious convictions.”
Dr Rene Leiva, a Catholic family physician and member of CPL was instrumental in pushing for the ethical versions. As a physician and father, he was highly disturbed that both his patients and family had no choice. He was also deeply motivated by the Vatican’s admonition in June 2005 to “put pressure on political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available.”
“This presented a serious moral dilemma to those who view the use of such abortion-related vaccines as a form of cooperation with an immoral act, but who are also aware of the health consequences of failing to immunize themselves or their children”, said Dr Leiva. “Now, I hope other Canadian Provinces will follow Alberta’s lead in providing a choice to all Canadian parents.”
In a letter dated December 22nd, Alberta Health and Wellness Deputy Minister Paddy Meade informed they will make Pediacel available in publicly funded immunization programs after March 2007.
In light of the recent Public Comments to the FDA by Americans protesting the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccine development, Ms Vinnedge hopes US agencies pay careful attention to Canada’s latest announcement.
“It is time the pharmaceutical industry and our government officials recognize the need for morally acceptable versions of these vaccines”, she said. “It makes no sense to jeopardize the health of the population by providing vaccines that a great number of people simply will not use. While we are deeply grateful to Sanofi Pasteur for providing the alternatives to Canadians, we hope they will show the same consideration by rejecting the use of aborted fetal cell lines in their new flu vaccines planned for America.”
For further information in Canada, contact:
Canada: Canadian Physicians For Life
PO Box 1289, Ottawa ON K0A 2Z0
Phone/Fax: (613) 728-LIFE (5433)
To Read the Letter From Health Canada, click here
More on the Story from LifeSite News:
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