For Immediate Release: May 16, 2006
Contact: Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director
1-877-488-LIFE or email
Children of God for Life Backs CMA Initiative: End Aborted Fetal Vaccines
(Largo, FL) Children of God for Life is standing staunchly behind the Catholic Medical Association on their recent statement and press release calling for vaccine manufacturers to produce vaccines that are “not associated with abortion”.
For years Children of God for Life has called on physicians and pro-life groups across the country to pressure the government and pharmaceutical industry in their Campaign for Ethical Vaccines, which currently has over 550,000 supporters.
“United, we have the ability to put an end to this immoral practice,” noted Children of God for Life Executive Director, Debi Vinnedge. “We believe all parents and physicians should have access to medical treatments that do not violate their moral conscience.”
Because of such deeply held religious convictions by the public, the group recently filed a formal appeal to the FDA to allow personal import of the morally acceptable alternative for rubella from Japan for several hundred US families.
“The CDC announced last year that rubella has been eliminated in the US, so while these families are currently abstaining without significant risk, they still want to protect their children and society and to prevent a resurgence of the disease in the future,” Vinnedge said.
While there is no ethical alternative for rubella in the US at present, there is for mumps. With the recent outbreak in Iowa, Vinnedge is urging pro-lifers to take advantage of the separate Mumpsvax vaccine, which uses chick embryo, not aborted fetal cell lines. “It’s a matter of picking up the phone and ordering the vaccine from Merck. What a perfect opportunity to show the industry our preference for a morally produced vaccine!”
Mrs. Vinnedge was especially pleased with the CMA support for clear labeling and informed consent on all products using aborted fetal cell lines. Her group introduced the Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act to members of Congress last year and they are currently seeking primary sponsors for the legislation. (See )
“This bill will open the market for other pharmaceutical companies that want to provide effective ethical alternatives,” said Vinnedge. “We are grateful to have our Catholic physicians backing a plan that allows consumers to make ethical choices when purchasing all medical products, not just vaccines.”
“The CMA statements espouse the very heart of our mission”, Vinnedge said. Noting the commitment by the USCCB Pro Life Secretariat office “to help make alternative vaccines readily available in the United States”, she added, “They have set the stage along with the CMA for what we hope will produce some very dramatic changes in the near future.”
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.