For Immediate Release, October 3, 2005
Contact: Debi Vinnedge, Children of God for Life
(727) 584-3332, Email:
Leslie Hanks, Colorado Right to Life
303 364-2138 or 720 394-8946
CRTL Delegates Sign Resolution Denouncing Aborted Fetal Vaccines
(Denver, Co) Children of God for Life and Colorado Right to Life announced today the approval of a formal resolution demanding an end to aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines. The resolution, which was unanimously passed by the Board and 18 delegates from all CRTL offices, is the first massive undertaking of its kind from any State Chapter of National Right to Life. Both organizations hope it will serve as a role model to launch national support.
The document fully encompasses what Children of God for Life has advocated for years by firmly voicing the State RTL’s opposition to the existing immoral vaccines and encouraging the pharmaceutical industry to produce ethical alternatives.
“Colorado Right to Life has literally taken ‘the bull by the horns’,” said Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director for Children of God for Life, the organization that launched the Campaign for Ethical Vaccines five years ago this month. “In light of the recent Vatican directive for all pro-lifers to fight this injustice, we see this as a wonderful Ecumenical response to that challenge.”
Colorado Right to Life, whose members encompass several religious denominations, agreed. Noting the Vatican’s encouragement to put pressure on government officials, they also endorsed Children of God for Life’s Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act introduced to members of the House and Senate earlier this year. The legislation requires that any medical product utilizing aborted fetal or embryonic cell lines must be clearly labeled and informed consent must be obtained before dispensing them.
“People have a right to know what they’re buying,” said Vinnedge. “If the FDA can require carbohydrate information on cookies, why shouldn’t consumers know when aborted babies’ DNA is being injected into their children’s veins?”
Vinnedge believes the legislation will not only educate the public on ethical choices, it will also provide incentive for the production of morally acceptable vaccines in the future.
Said CRTL Vice President, Leslie Hanks, “We intend to embark upon an education campaign to help families understand the ethical and medical implications of this hidden issue.”
To read the CRTL Resolution, go to
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.