Vatican Officials Condemn Aborted Fetal Vaccine Manufacturers – Demands Ethical Alternatives
(Largo, FL) Children of God for Life has received a response from the Pontifical Academy for Life under the direction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines. In the document published in Medicina e Morale by the Center for Bioethics of Catholic University in Rome and titled, MORAL REFLECTIONS ON VACCINES PREPARED FROM CELLS DERIVED FROM ABORTED HUMAN FOETUSES, Vatican officials put the burden of guilt 100% on the pharmaceutical industry, comparing their moral complicity to that of the abortionists themselves.
Vinnedge says the PAFL document, which calls for “rigorous legal control of the pharmaceutical industry producers” should also spur action on their Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act, introduced to members of Congress earlier this year. The legislation requires that pharmaceutical companies give full disclosure whenever aborted fetal or embryonic cell lines are used in their products.Dr Steven White, President of the Catholic Medical Association agreed. “”We must demand that the pharmaceutical industry provide accurate information on the origin of all vaccines so that we are able to make informed decisions in accord with our moral conscience – and we must mobilize to support development of ethical alternatives.”
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact, Debi Vinnedge, Director of Children of God for Life at 727 584-3332 or email
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.