Dear friends of Terri Schiavo,
While we battle to save Terri’s life in the courts, how many of us are storming heaven? I am sure that most if not all are praying for Terri – but are you praying for Michael as well? Following is a novena that begins today – Valentine’s day and ends on Feb 22nd. It can be prayed anytime – especially during Lent – so please do not hesitate to pray it if you receive this message too late. But for those who are able to begin today, Let us pray….
A Novena for the Conversion of Michael Schiavo
Oh Lord of eternal compassion and mercy, by the words your Son has taught us, “I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Mt 6:43) grant we beseech Thee to hear the prayers we offer in this novena for the conversion of Michael Schiavo. As in all things, may it be done according to Your Holy Will. Glory be…
Let Us Pray….
O, God, Lord of Life, We bring before You, the life and soul of Michael Schiavo, whom You have redeemed by Your Precious Blood.
Mindful of Your boundless mercy, O Lord, we beg You to grant Michael the grace to know You and desire You with his whole heart, so that in this desiring, he may seek and find You –
And in finding you, he may love You, and in loving You, he may lose the desire to end the life of Your precious daughter, Theresa Marie.
We plead with You, O Lord, to surround Theresa with Your constant protection so that she and Michael, together with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may glorify Your Infinite Mercy for endless ages. Amen
Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory be..
We encourage all who are reading this special novena prayer to make copies, distribute them in your church, to friends and family. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have!
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.