For Immediate Release: February 3, 2005
Consumer warning: New flu vaccine from Vaxin to use aborted fetal cell lines
Largo, FL – Children of God for Life’s executive director, Debi Vinnedge, has issued a consumer warning that a new flu vaccine in early human testing is being produced using aborted fetal cell lines. In a January 12, 2005 letter, Vinnedge asked Vaxin, a Birmingham, Alabama biotech firm, to reconsider their decision to use PER C6 in their new flu vaccine. When the company did not respond, Vinnedge decided to go public with the information.
“There are ethical alternatives to aborted fetal cell lines for use in vaccines,” said Vinnedge. “None of the current flu vaccines on the market today use objectionable sources. Why should we start now?”
While Vinnedge understands that chick embryos, which are currently used in the flu vaccines, slow down production time, there are still other avenues that can and should be used. “The end, no matter how noble, cannot justify the means,” said Vinnedge. “Using aborted fetal cell lines is not ethical and cannot be justified, regardless of the reasons.” Added Vinnedge, “Why even one of Vaxin’s competitor’s for a new flu vaccine, Protein Sciences, is using caterpillar cell lines! Certainly no one has a problem with that!”
Ronald Brus, the CEO of Crucell, the company that created PER C6, was quoted as saying the cell line, which was taken from the retinal tissue of an 18-week gestation baby, is not problematic because the mother donated the fetus and no further abortions would be needed to sustain production. “Mr. Brus is being disingenuous by glossing over the fact that these cell lines came from babies killed by abortion,” said Vinnedge. “The truth is abortion violently takes the life of a living human being and is always wrong. Therefore, using cell lines obtained from aborted babies is always wrong as well.”
Vinnedge further noted that in 2001, thousands of protest letters were sent to the Dept of HHS when they awarded a contract for a new smallpox vaccine that would have used the aborted fetal cell line, MRC-5. “We reminded Vaxin that 57 percent of the people polled said they would refuse the vaccine if aborted fetal cell lines were used,” said Vinnedge. “If the public took such a strong stand against something as serious as smallpox, how do you suppose they will react to a simple flu shot?”
Hundreds of thousands of Children of God for Life’s brochures have been spread worldwide, listing the vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines. Vaxin’s flu vaccine will now be added to that list. “Consumers and medical professionals have the right to know where these cell lines are coming from so they can make ethical and moral choices in the products they are buying,” said Vinnedge.
Children of God for Life urges you to voice your complaint! We also ask that you copy us on any correspondence so that we can track and prove public response. Call or write to complain:
Vaxin Inc
ATTENTION: Francis R. Cano, Ph.D., CEO
500 Beacon Parkway West
Birmingham, AL 35209-3108
Phone: (205)943-8740
FAX: (205) 943-8565
Copy your correspondence via email
Or call us for further information: 727 483-9251
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.