For Immediate Release: August 20, 2004
Ethical Alternatives To Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines available in Miami, Indiana
Contact: Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director
(Clearwater) Children of God for Life has teamed up with American Life League, Human Life International and now Pharmacists for Life International to help pro-life families seeking ethical alternatives to vaccines that are derived from aborted babies. Thousands of concerned parents have refused to use the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine because of their aborted fetal cell lines and since the manufacturer, Merck Inc. only provides the ethical alternatives for measles and mumps in 10-paks, doctors have sometimes been reluctant to order them, fearing they will not be able to use the remaining doses. As a result, a large number of parents have been unable to protect their children from these diseases: Until now!
After reading a recent letter sent by the pro-life organizations, Andrew Eels with Prescription Care Providers stepped in to help parents in the Miami area.
“I am grateful to be able to participate in this great project”, Mr. Eels told the group.
Meanwhile, Pharmacist Dave Rokocz responded from Richmond Indiana, about an hour’s drive from Indianapolis. “I think this is a great program and one that is badly needed,” he told Children of God for Life. “It is terrible that parents should be put through such an ordeal when they are only trying to do what is morally right and stand up for human life!”
Parents in need of the vaccines can simply have their doctor call in the prescription to the pharmacy, pick them up like any other prescription drug and bring them to their own doctor for administration.
“This is simply a huge victory for both parents and physicians alike,” said Debi Vinnedge, Children of God for Life’s Executive Director. “Parents want to protect their children without violating their deeply held religious and pro-life convictions. Doctors are no longer saddled with the cost of all 10 doses and the pharmacies gain new customers.”
“I hope the public will in turn show their gratitude for this humane effort by giving these pharmacies all of their business, not just vaccine orders”, she added.
Interested parents should have their doctors call in the prescriptions for Attenuvax (measles) and Mumpsvax (mumps) which use chick embryo, not aborted fetal cell lines, to Prescription Care Providers at (305) 418-4541 in Miami. In the Indianapolis area, contact the Richmond Apothecary at (765) 966-2225.
For more information on the efforts of Children of God for Life, visit their website at where they have an on-line database of Pro-Life Physicians, free brochures on Vaccines from Abortion and a wealth of information to help families. Or call their Clearwater, FL office at 727 538-5558.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.