The following letter was delivered directly to Mr. Tim Goeglein, Special Assistant to the President through the intercession and assistance of American Life League’s Patrick Delaney.
Children of God for Life
2130 Catalina Drive
Clearwater, FL 33764
(727) 538-5558
March 25, 2003
President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush,
As the Executive Director for Children of God for Life, a non-profit organization that seeks to put an end to the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines and medical treatments, and on behalf of over 475,000 people who have joined our Campaign for Ethical Vaccines, I am writing to seek your assistance on two extremely important matters.
The first deals with our own military personnel who are currently being vaccinated for smallpox. I cannot tell you how many of these men have written to us out of fear that the vaccine they are being given uses these immoral cell lines. Many have said they would risk their military career, rather than their soul if it did. I have assured them that the Dryvax currently being given is free of such cell lines. However, there are four more versions under development and this creates a grave concern for the future:
- Acambis 1000: Uses aborted fetal cell line MRC-5
- Dynport: Made exclusively for the Department of Defense and uses MRC-5
- Acambis 2000: Uses Vero cell lines (monkey kidney)
- Ankara/MVA: Uses chick embryo
Mr. President, it is quiet clear, as scientists at the FDA and CDC have already pointed out, that the use of morally acceptable cell substrates for smallpox vaccine development is an equally effective and feasible alternative to aborted fetal tissue. It is not necessary to pursue this avenue of research and in fact, it is unusually cruel to force our own brave soldiers who may have to sacrifice their lives for the protection of our country to use a vaccine that violates their religious and moral beliefs.
In addition, a new aborted fetal cell line, PER C6 is being used to develop new HIV and Ebola vaccines by Merck and the NIH/NAID. This cell line was taken from the retinal tissue of an 18-week gestation aborted baby. According to Dr. Van Der Eb from Crucell, at FDA hearings last year, “PER C6 was made specifically for the pharmaceutical industry…I know this sounds a bit commercial, but that is why PER C6 was made.”
Not only is this unethical and heartlessly callous to those who need such medical treatments, it is also unnecessary and irresponsible. Just as adult stem cells are an ethical alternative for embryonic stem cell research, moral alternatives also exist for each of these vaccines and they should be used. In fact to do otherwise, defeats the efforts of those agencies responsible for controlling the spread of infectious disease. While some ethicists believe it is morally permissible to use these vaccines, many of their colleagues disagree, as do the thousands of Americans who are already refusing to use any product derived from abortion and illicit research. And as the public learns the truth about the source of these vaccines, those numbers will soar to epidemic proportions.
The second problem deals with a current shortage of ethical vaccine alternatives for measles and mumps, which are manufactured by Merck. The vaccines have been on back order for over a year and Merck gives no definitive date for their availability. Yet these same vaccines are used in their own MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) trivalent vaccine. It is the rubella portion that uses two aborted fetal cell lines (RA273 and WI-38), thus “tainting” the entire vaccine. The measles and mumps portion of the MMR, Attenuvax and Mumpsvax respectively, use chick embryo. Thousands of parents and physicians are currently refusing to use the tainted MMR and are waiting for Merck to begin providing the ethical single doses for measles and mumps. Yet Merck refuses to accept the responsibility to do so.
Mr. President, in this rapidly changing world of biotechnology far too many scientists believe it is somehow acceptable to sacrifice one human life for the benefit of another. We do not believe this is the policy of your Administration and it is certainly not the policy of a majority of the American people. Thousands of our supporters listened to you just weeks ago at the March for Life on January 22nd, when you said, “The March for Life upholds the self-evident truth of that Declaration — that all are created equal, given the unalienable rights of life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that principle of America needs defenders in every place and every generation. In our time, respect for the right to life calls us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, and all who are weak and vulnerable. Human beings are not research material to be used in a cruel and reckless experiment.”
We are asking you to stand behind your word and order your own Departments of HHS, NIH/NAID to put an end to this abhorrent, unethical and unnecessary practice. Years ago, the World Health Organization made the decision to destroy the cell lines taken from the Nazi experiments on the Jews because they were a constant and painful reminder of the horrors of the holocaust. These aborted fetal cell lines represent the holocaust of over 40 million babies killed by abortion and they are an affront to every single pro-life person in the United States and the world. They too should be destroyed and no further fetal cell lines should be used in necessary and in some cases, required, medical treatments and vaccines.
You are now poised to make a tremendous difference in the Culture of Death that threatens to erode the freedom and rights of every American citizen – born and unborn – to live in peace and safety in our great nation. We the undersigned, who are petitioning our government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, urge you to use the power given to you by God and the American people to:
- Stop the use of aborted fetal cell lines in new vaccine development
- Mandate that the NIH/NAID and FDA only use and approve ethical alternatives
- Require that Merck make the ethical single doses for measles and mumps available to the public
- Provide incentives to the pharmaceutical industry for the production of alternatives to existing vaccines that utilize aborted fetal tissue (chickenpox, hepatitis-A and rubella)
Debra L. Vinnedge
Executive Director
Enc. Signatures
Raymond F. Gasser, PhD, Professor, LSU, Dept. Cell Biology & Anatomy, New Orleans, LA
Dr. Brian T. Bloomquist, Principal Research Scientist, New Haven, CT
Allan W. Ackerman, Research Technologist, Cudahy, WI
John Kreifeldt, Emeritus Professor, Tufts University, Winchester, MA
Alvin S. Wong, Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
John Conklin, Colonel, Oregon Army National Guard, Mt. Angel, OR
Gretel Donahue, MD – Pediatrician, University of Chicago at Illinois, Chicago, IL
David Collart, MD, Atlanta, GA
Beth Phillips, RN BSM, Hudson, WI
Steven White, MD, Daytona Beach, Fl
John R. Diggs, Jr., M.D. Co-Chairman, MA Physician Research Council, S. Hadley, MA
Robert Saxer, MD, President Catholic Medical Association, Fort Walton Beach, Fl
Karen D. Poehailos, MD, Charlottesville, Va
Victoria Saccaro, MD, St. Petersburg, Fl.
Catherine A. Dowling, MD, Ann Arbor, Mi
Michael G. Skoch, M.D. Medical Director Moscati Health Center, Hastings, NE
Wolfgang Miggiani, MD, Garden City, Ks
Marc Pecha, M.D., San Antonio, TX
Eduardo Kortright, MD, New Orleans, LA
Ruth Oliver, MD, Vancouver, CA
Nancy E. Morrissey, PhD, Stickney, IL
Rafael Carreira, MD, SC, Chicago, IL
Jeanne Hefferman, PhD, Washington, DC
Beverly J. Whelton, PhD, Wheeling, WV
Ann Marie Manning, MD, Camp Hill, PA
Martin Dubravec, MD, Cadillac, MI
Steven Robinson, MD, Oklahoma City, OK
Mary W. Martin, MD, Hammond, IN
Thomas D. Maher, MD, Auburn, NY
Michael O’Dea, MD, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Austin T. Welsh, MD Kiniks Trail, AR
Stephen T. Burns, MD, Paris, TX
Damien E. Burchess, MD, Glen Burnie, MD
John C. Warburton, MD, Destin, FL
Jan Patterson, MD, Round Rock, TX
Elizabeth Shadigian, MD, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Jan R. Homstad, MD, Seattle, WA
Mark G. Petrizzi, MD, Mechanicsville, VA
Joseph DiPoala, Sr., MD, FACP, Rochester, NY
George S. Petryk, MD, Woodstock, GA
Anthony M. Hornick, MD, Springboro, OH
Martin W. Schaefer, MD, Colorado Springs, CO
Manuel S. Valencia, MD, North Haverhill, NH
Michael P. Merck, MD, Ham Lake, MN
Kathy Bagby, RN, Omaha, NE
Martha J. Runyan, RN, Girard, OH
Virginia L. Hornick, RN, Springborao, OH
Helen Ann Day, RN, Owensboro, KY
Vicki Norris, RN, Danville, IL
Katy Barbieri, RN, NFPPI, Salina, KS
Ted Barbieri, RN, NFPPI, Salina, KS
Rachel E. Kennel, RN, Acworth, GA
S. McHugh, RN, Chester, NJ
Rita Ellen Murphy, RN
Loyola Univ. Medical Center, Addison, IL
Irene Kershisnik, RN, Northridge, CA
Charlene Bourque, RN, Farmington, ME
Kathryn Fedak, RN, Leonardo, NJ
Diane Fonte, RN, M.S.N., Metairie, La
Lynne Vickery, RN, Moncks Corner, SC
Sandra B. Kelley, RN, Lincoln, NE
James A. Avery, M.D., Internal Medicine, P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
Jay Carpenter, M.D., Internal Medicine, P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
Jon W. Beasley, M.D. Family Practice, P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
John J. Brady, M.D., OB-GYN, P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
Dean H. Fauber, M.D. Pediatrics, P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
Robert J. Kelley, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
George E. Tragos, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Exec Board
Donald J. Amodeo, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
David Cartaya, RPh., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
C. Morgan Cooper, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Arthur X. Deegan, PhD., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Celia DiMarco, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Alexander T. Gimon, PhD, P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Joseph J. Healy, M.D. FACS, P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Michael Jaquith, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
N. Patrick Murphy, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Michael Reilly, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Richard J. Sheridan, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
John W. Soshea, M. D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Fernando Velaquez, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Louis M. Winters, M.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Patricia Christensen, MS, MA, P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Christopher McCluskey, MSW, LCSW, P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Sol Pitchon, M.A., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Jennifer Reedy, M.S., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Carole A. Griffin, M.S., L.L.D., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Stuart Baggish, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Chet Conklin, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Jan Halisky, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Patricia Lancaster, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Robert J. Lancaster, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Donald M. O’Leary, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Joseph R. Park, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Catherine M. Rinaldo, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
B. Larry Smith, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Scott R. Stark, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Teresa Cooper Ward, Esq., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Leslie Beasley, R.N., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Ann Cooper, R. N., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Eleanor Drechsel, R.N., M.S., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Mary Anne Fauber, R.N., C.C.E., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Harriet Muehlberg, R. N. , P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Demetria M. Tragos, R. N., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Keith Ward, R. N., P.F.E.H.C. Advisory Board
Laure Zmurk, RN, San Ramon, CA
Michael R. Caughron, M.D., Kansas City, MO
Gerri Karle, RN, Warrington, PA
Agnes M. Cassidy, RN, MSN, Winslow, ME
Brenda Wickersham, RN, Tumwater, WA
William E. Chavey, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Ann Arbor, Mi
Paul L. Hayes, M.D., Lincoln, Ne
Kenneth J. Simcic, M.D., San Antonio, TX
Michelle Rabideau, M.D., Dexter, MI
Michael G. Skoch, M.D. Medical Director Moscati Health Center, Hastings, NE
Walt Weaver, M.D. Cardiology – Ethics, Lincoln, NE
Loma Cvetkovich, M.D.
Holy Family Medical Specialists, Lincoln, NE
Clement P. Cunningham, M.D., K.S.G., Rock Island, IL
William L. Trager, M.D., S.C., Sheboygan, WI
Ronald Ferris, M.D., Holy Family Medical Associates, LLP, Wichita, KS
William J. Burke, M.D., Professor of Neurology, SLU Medical Center, St. Louis, MO
Frank Fischer, Jr. , M.D., Kingsport, TN
Stephen K. Toadvine, MD
Corbin Family Health Center, Corbin, KY
Janette S. Malavet, MD, Painted Post, NY
Mary Jean Mentyka, MD, Port Matilda, PA
Frederick Wenzel, MD, White Post, VA
John T. English, MD, Lancaster, PA
Thomas E. Meads, MD, Culpepper, VA
Dennis K. DeLapp, MD, Sylvania, OH
Jane M. Orient, MD, Exe. Director Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, Tucson, AZ
Mary L. Davenport, MD, El Sobrante, CA
Edward Glynn, MD, Oklahoma City, OK
Jennifer Murphy, MD, Pediatrician, Westminster, MD
Jo Ann Clifford, RN, Waterford, MI
Teresa Giugliano, RN, Norwood, MA
Kathryn Bryan, RN, Kirkland, WA
Roseanne Throener, RN, Flensburg, MN
Gerald V. McMahon, Jr., M.D., Syracuse, NY
John Joseph O’Connell, MD, Silver Spring, MD
Alfred Paul, MD, Birmingham, AL
Ronald Herman, MD, Palm Coast, FL
Margaret Workman, MD, Indianapolis, IN
Pippa C. Abston, MD, PC, Madison, WI
William L. Toffler, MD, Prof., Family Medicine, Portland, OR
Marcus Blass, MD, Allegn, MI
Rebecca Long, MD, Agape Family Medicine, Lebanon, PA
Molly A. Brubaker, RN, Bellevue, OH
Sandra Cremers, MD, Boston, MA
Robert Palguta, MD, Beaver Falls, PA
Bernard Pegis, MD, St. Louis, MO
Benjamin Danie, Sr., MD, Charleston, SC
Meredith Shane, RN, Peoria, IL
Kaylene Mongeau, RN, Edmond, OK
Mary Ellen Morgan, RN, CIC, Chandler, AZ
Evelyn Mitchell, MD, Highpoint, NC
Donna Dingerson, RN, Branson, MO
Eva Small, RN, Juneau, AK
Clara Pavlak, RN, Hopkins, MI
Monica Lenthe, RN, Somerdale, NJ
Herman Lenthe, RN, Somerdale, NJ
Karen Babcock-Markham, RN, Gardiner, ME
Angie Chevalier, RN, BSN, Raleigh, NH
Richard Cash, MD, St. Cloud, MN
Organizations Supporting This Effort
Action Life League of Western Kentucky
American Association of Pro-Life Pediatricians
American Life League
Archdiocese Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada
Archdiocese of San Antonio TX, Office of Social Concerns
Assumption Parish, St. Louis, MO
Bible Foundations International, Scranton, PA
Birthright, San Antonio, TX
Bishop Edward J. O’Donnell, Diocese of Lafayette, LA
Bishop Robert F. Vasa, Diocese of Baker, Bend, OR
Bishop Thomas Larkin (Retired) Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL
Catholic Daughters of America, Lawrenceville, GA
Catholics Defending Life, Lancaster, PA
Catholics for Life, Providence, Rhode Island
Catherine Moran, President Catholic Home School Network of America, Warren, OH
Catholic Medical Association
Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines
Catholic Women’s League, Lismore Diocese Sydney, Australia
Center for Pro-Life Studies, North Troy, VT
Christian Ireland Ministries
Diocese of Lubbock – Development Director, Lubbock, TX
Diocese of Peoria Respect Life Chairman of Board Fr. William Miller
Diocese of Wichita Respect Life & Social Justice (Director Dion Scott)
Do No Harm Coalition
Dr. Janet E. Smith, PhD, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Dubuque County Right to Life, Dyersville, IA
Elijah Ministries
Fitch NFP Center, San Diego, CA
Florida Catholic Conference Director, Dr. Michael McCarron
Fox Valley Catholics for Life, Appleton, WI
Friends for Life, Tampa, FL
Good Counsel, Inc.
Grand Ledge Right to Life, Grand Ledge, MI
Holy Family Medical Association, Wichita, KS
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Beaver Dam, KY
Holy Rosary Church, Memphis, TN
Human Life International
Kentucky Catholic Conference
Kentucky Right to Life – Owensboro, KY
Knights of Columbus Council 11720, Centereach, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 11727, Coram, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 11733, E. Setauket, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 11776, Port Jefferson Station, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 11784, Selden, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 11953, Middle Isle, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 12503, Mullica Hill, NJ
Knights of Columbus Council 2204, Farmingdale, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 5293, Mastic, NY
Knights of Columbus Council 584, Sag Harbor, NY
Knights of Columbus, Highland, MI
Knights of Columbus Sunrise Council 6607, Bohemia, NY
Legion of Mary, Lansdale, PA
Legion of Mary, St. Mary’s Church Poughkeepsie, NY
Maine Right to Life – York County
Mary Immaculate Church, Omaha, NE
Mary’s Outreach Center for Women
Massachusetts Physicians Research Council, S. Hadley, MA
Medical Educational Council, Pensacola, FL
Midland Right to Life, Midland, MI
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Kochi, Japan
Mother & Unborn Baby Care, Fort Worth, TX
National Association of Pro-Life Nurses
National Congress for Protection of Human Life, St. Mary’s KS
National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (N.O.E.L.)
Nebraska Bishops Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities
New Hanover Pro Life Council, Wilmington, NC
North Dakota State University Collegians for Life
Otsego Right to Life, Oneonta, NY
Our Lady Immaculate Parish, Oak Park, IL
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, New Port Richey, FL
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Dunedin, FL
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Gales Ferry, CT
Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish, Ft. Meyers, FL
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, New Port Richey, FL
Passionist Nuns Pharmacists for Life
Professionals for Excellence in Health Care
Pro-Life Berks, Reading, PA
Pro-Life of South Africa
Pro Life Wisconsin, Grafton, WI
Pro-Vita Advisors, Tom Strobhar
Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, N. Bloomfield, OH
Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish, Vienna, OH
Right to Life of Dixon, Dixon, TN
Roman Catholics Preserving the Faith
Sisters of Notre Dame, Carmel, IN
Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin, OH
St. Ann Altar Society, Chillicothe, MO
St. Athanasius Parish, Endwell, NY
St. Anthony’s Church, Mathersville, IL
St. Bernard Catholic Church, Gate City, VA
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Clearwater, FL
St. Cecelia Catholic Church, Clearwater, FL
St. Columbus Catholic Church, Chillicothe, MO
St. Edward’s Catholic Church Lowell, IN
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Charles, MO
St. Frances Council of Catholic Women, Teutopolis, FL
St. John’s Catholic Church, Bradford, IL
St. John’s Catholic Church, Viola, IL
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Asheboro NC
St. Jude Holy Rosary Soc., Chalfont, PA
St. Lawrence Catholic Parish, Owensboro, KY
St. Leo Catholic Church, Pantucket, RI
St. Mary Margaret Catholic Church, Slidell, LA
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria, VA
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Tiskilwa, IL
St. Michael Abbey, Silverado, CA
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Hudson, FL
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Laredo, TX
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, New Port Richey, FL
St. Vincent DePaul (Director David Landry – Metairie, LA)
St. Wencelaus Church, Baltimore, MD
St. William Catholic Parish, Knottsville, KY
St. William of York Catholic Church, Stafford, VA
St. William Parish, Knoxville, TN
Stratford Right To Life (Ontario, Canada)
Texas Physicians Research Council
The Benedictine Monastery, Clyde, MO
The Daily Catholic News
The Face of Pro-Life, Ashford, CT
The Legion of Mary for Poland
The Mary Foundation, Fairfield, OH
Thorn Ministries, Riverview, FL
Vida Humana
Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Diocese of Yakima, WA
Foreign Countries Requesting Assistance and Support
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Netherlands, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Republic of South Africa, Romania, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tasmania, United Kingdom, West Africa
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.