by Debi Vinnedge | Jan 25, 2009 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
Reprogramming Stem Cells – Or Pro-Lifers’ Minds? By Debi Vinnedge In November 2007, two scientists Dr. Shinya Yamanaka and Dr James Thomson published their studies describing a new stem cell technique that produced embryonic-like stem cells by simply...
by Debi Vinnedge | Jan 8, 2008 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
For Immediate Release January 8, 2008 Contact: Children of God for Life Email: 615 898-1070 CST Adult Stem Cells Reprogrammed Using Aborted Fetal and HES cells Moral methods could have been used (Tennessee) Children of God for Life...
by Debi Vinnedge | Jun 23, 2005 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
Breakthrough Study at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Finds Adult Stem Cells Show Same Ability to Self-Renew as Embryonic PITTSBURGH – June 23, 2005 – In a ground-breaking study, scientists at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh have discovered that adult, or...
by Debi Vinnedge | May 9, 2005 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research Researchers discover mechanism for multiplying adult stem cells May 5, 2005 While the field of human embryonic stem cell research receives a tremendous amount of public attention, many...
by Debi Vinnedge | May 4, 2005 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
Note: What this means is that these new multi-potent stem cells have the plasticity desired by proponents of embryonic stem cell research…without the moral...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.